Roger Federer: Balancing Fatherhood and Tennis Legacy

Published8. February 2024, 09:47

Tennis legend: Papa Federer: “I feel like a motivational speaker at home”

Roger and Mirka Federer have four children. In a big interview, Federer talks about his role as a father and conversations with his four children.


  • Roger Federer talks about his role as a father in an interview.

  • He tells how the idea for the Laver Cup came about.

  • In an interview with the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” he also talks about former tennis legends.

Roger Federer and his wife Mirka have four children. In his role as a father, the former tennis star sometimes believes that he has delivered a particularly good speech. But then everything turns out differently.

About conversations with the children

Former tennis superstar Roger Federer sometimes reaches his limits when raising his children. “We have conversations every day, every week,” said the 42-year-old Swiss in an interview with the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (Thursday) about the parental exchange with the Federers.

«I feel like a motivational speaker at home. Sometimes I finish and think to myself: Wow, that was a really good speech, Roger! And five minutes later, nothing I said was done. But it is okay. I’m sticking with it as a father.”

About his 14 year old daughters

Federer is one of the greatest players in tennis history. Among other things, he won 20 Grand Slam tournament titles and ended his active career in 2022. He and his wife have four children.

«I try to be a good father. That’s not always easy, especially with 14-year-old girls.”

Roger Federer

«I try to be a good father. That’s not always easy, especially with 14-year-old girls. They have their own minds right now,” reported Federer. «We are a close family that loves spending time together. But we also have to let the girls have their own experiences.”

About the Laver Cup in Berlin

Roger Federer is a driving force behind the Laver Cup. At the three-day tournament, six professionals play for “Team Europe” and one “Team World”, which includes players from the rest of the world. The Laver Cup means a lot to Federer. From September 20th to 22nd, 2024, the tennis legend will bring the cup to Berlin.

When asked why the Laver Cup was brought to Germany, Federer said: “It was always clear to us that we would go to Germany one day. We know what importance the country has in sport.” Tennis has a great tradition in Germany. The slightly older generation in particular knows this. “It was just a question of logic that we would open up here.”

About the idea behind the Laver Cup

Federer says in an interview with the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” that the idea for the tournament came about on the way to training in Shanghai. Federer spoke to his manager Tony Godsick about the fact that former tennis players can actually only do two jobs after their career – coach or commentator.

“The event should travel around the world and spread the word about how cool tennis is.”

Roger Federer

Federer says he then thought: “It would be nice to create an event where former players see each other once a year. And where different generations are involved. And the event should go around the world and spread the word about how cool tennis is.”

About the legends of yesteryear

But Federer also wants to emphasize that it’s about honoring the past and the legends of yesteryear. «When Rod Laver, Ken Rosewall and all these champions played, everything was different. They were amateurs, got a pat on the back, ‘well done, you won Wimbledon’, then a voucher for the pro shop where you could buy a nice T-shirt.”

Today the players would earn millions and play in the greatest stadiums. Federer continued that he felt a strong connection to Rod Laver. «Rod is humble, a gentleman, a sweetheart – like all Australians. I always looked at the trophies with joy; I immediately wanted to see the winners’ names engraved on them.”

You can find Roger Federer’s entire interview in the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (paid article). With material from the DPA.

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2024-02-08 08:47:57
#Roger #Federer #interview #role #father #Laver #Cup


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