Report to the public prosecutor’s office: athlete Benfares is threatened with criminal proceedings

Report to the public prosecutor’s office: athlete Benfares is threatened with criminal proceedings

As of: February 1, 2024 2:42 p.m

Track and field athlete Sara Benfares from LC Rehlingen, who is suspected of doping, is now facing criminal proceedings. The National Anti-Doping Agency NADA has filed a criminal complaint against Benfares with the Saarbrücken public prosecutor’s office.

with information from Georg Gitzinger and Josef Opfermann

Even before the sports law proceedings were opened, NADA had filed a criminal complaint against Benfares with the Saarbrücken public prosecutor’s office, NADA boss Lars Mortsiefer told the ARD doping editorial team. It is about suspected violation of the anti-doping law.

The public prosecutor’s office confirmed to the SR on Thursday that a corresponding criminal complaint had been filed by NADA.

EPO and testosterone discovered in doping sample

Banned substances were discovered in a doping sample at Benfares. NADA then opened sports law proceedings last week and suspended Benfares.

As NADA told the SR, these were the substances EPO and testosterone. NADA and the German Athletics Association DLV suspended Benfares after the positive sample became known. NADA did not currently want to provide further details about the procedure – including whether a medical exemption was available.

The LC Rehlingen and the Saarland Athletics Association SLB informed the SR that they had no knowledge of public prosecutor’s investigations.

Suspension and fine or imprisonment possible

If the suspicion of doping against Benfares is confirmed, she will face a four-year ban from competition as a first-time offender. In addition, under the Anti-Doping Act, a prison sentence of up to three years or a fine is possible.

Benfares’ club, LC Rehlingen and the Saar Sports Foundation took action after the allegations became known. The athlete was excluded from the “Team Saarland” support program. The German-French woman will not receive any financial support until the case is clarified.

Benfares himself spoke out on social media a few days ago. She alluded to health problems and said she was “tired of having to justify treatments to the authorities.”

More about Sara Benfares’ suspected doping


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