Red Bull team boss Horner avoids questions about inappropriate behavior | formula 1

Feb 22, 2024 at 6:43 PM Update: 18 minutes ago

Christian Horner was out of character at a mandatory Formula 1 press conference in Bahrain on Thursday. Yet the otherwise confident Red Bull team boss deftly dealt with difficult questions about the investigation into his alleged transgressive behavior.

It was reminiscent of the filibuster, a well-known tactic in American politics to postpone votes by continuing to debate. Horner used a modified variant.

During the half-hour press moment, criticism from other teams, and in particular McLaren boss Zak Brown, was discussed. They are not happy that Red Bull has two teams in the sport and believe that Racing Bulls technically benefits too much from the collaboration with the parent team.

Horner then gave a response lasting almost four minutes. This took up a large part of his time answering questions from journalists. The question remains whether it was a conscious strategy. Although his answer was long, it made sense. It suited him anyway.

It must have been a relief for the Brit that he was not immediately bombarded with questions. The press conference took place with several team bosses at the same time, who all had their say about the progress of their racing stable during the test days. Horner looked nervous, while he normally excels in dealing with the press and exudes a lot of self-confidence.

Foto: Getty

‘As the investigation is still ongoing, I cannot say anything’

Finally the subject came up. An investigation is underway on behalf of parent company Red Bull. Horner had already spoken to an independent lawyer about the matter. He said he hopes it will be completed soon. “But as the investigation is still ongoing, I can’t say anything further about it,” was his clearly rehearsed answer.

The hope for a quick and careful conclusion is widely supported, as was previously evident from statements from Formula 1 and the FIA, among others. “And we have to wait and see what the result means for Formula 1,” Brown said.

For the time being, there is not much going on for Horner. He is in office in Bahrain. How long this will remain so remains to be seen. In any case, the outcome gets closer every day.

2024-02-22 17:43:27
#Red #Bull #team #boss #Horner #avoids #questions #inappropriate #behavior #formula


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