Police Investigating Break-In at Residential Building in Bürstadt

Bürstadt (digitaldaily):

After a break-in in a residential building that occurred on Thursday (February 15, 2024) between 4:15 p.m. and 7:40 p.m., the Heppenheim criminal police have taken over the investigation and are looking for eyewitnesses with information. The unknown persons forced their way into the interior of the property on Marsweg through a window. Here the criminals were looking for valuables and, according to previous information, stole three baseball caps. They then ran away unrecognized.

Witnesses who have noticed suspicious people or vehicles in the area are asked to contact Commissariat 21 in Heppenheim on 062520.

Source: South Hesse Police Headquarters, transmission: news aktuell

(All information is based on information from the responsible police today)

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The Blaulicht editorial team from digitaldaily.de writes here

2024-02-16 23:57:34
#Hesse #Bürstadt #Burglary #window


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