Point out the culprit | Soccer | Sports

Point out the culprit |  Soccer |  Sports

Arbitration as a hiding place

The arbitration question took over the debate. The ball hidden behind a whistle by the work and grace of the queen of content: controversy. The VAR, which arrived to provide justice, only increased the suspicion of conspiracy of those who make demagogic use of victimhood. Few escape that temptation. Thus, an arbitration intervention via VAR that modifies a result, whether correct or not, will be the proof that the loser will find to tell us that the League is adulterated. It is the risk of deciding by millimeters and of having turned that simple regulation into chaos that no one understands or interprets. There are two types of consequences: on the one hand, the incomprehension of the fans who see the same play refereed in a different way over and over again. On the other hand, the lack of credibility of the championship, caused by irresponsible people incapable of assuming their responsibilities.

one-man teams

Playing like an ass and blaming the referee has become the general trend. The result marks the sentence. Cold as death if it is defeat; Cozy like a summer breeze if it’s triumph; uncertain as a doubt if it is a tie. Always blunt, like everything that has no remedy. And, of course, the winner is looked for a hero as much as the loser a culprit for the journalistic theater that tells us about football. I will give you fresh evidence. Madrid won in Germany because of a work of art by Brahim and thanks to the masterful performance of Lunin. And the others? Real Sociedad lost because of Traoré, who defected for a minute, and PSG won thanks to Mbappé, beneficiary of the resulting confusion. It doesn’t matter that the game lasts ninety minutes, nor that it is the responsibility of two teams. You have to individualize.

The Traoré factor

Traoré needs an explanation for those who were outside the game. He suffered an injury that required medical attention and left the field while PSG took a corner. As football is ruined by the devil, a loose ball fell to Mbappé, who Traoré had to score, and that ended in the goal that caused the apocalypse (always big words). At the end of the meeting and leaving his profile, Imanol said in public what should be said in private: “To leave the field you have to end up in a hospital,†adding that, after that, “Traoré was of the game†because, indeed, he also had responsibility for the second goal. A full-fledged complaint for the lack of professionalism of their player. Bitten by his guard dog, Traoré was marked and who knows for how long.

The time of the head

The intense need to win and the unpleasant inability to lose is filling the football landscape with heroes and culprits. Soccer players and coaches are people full of energy and fear. They must challenge great uncertainties and face their responsibilities before public opinion. It’s like having a board meeting with the right to insult every three days. It doesn’t surprise me that, more and more, we are hearing about players who go through therapy to relate to the profession in a more adult and relaxed way. You cannot live given over to your emotions without letting reason put some order in your feelings. The strange thing is that we have waited 150 years to understand that football begins in the head before going down to the feet. If there is no peace above, there is no clarity below. As it is, if Traoré did not end up in the hospital, he will have to get out of this by visiting the psychologist.

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2024-02-17 04:15:00
#Point #culprit #Soccer #Sports


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