[Podcast] The keys to the world | Ukraine: two years of stagnant war (part 1) – El Sol de México

[Podcast] The keys to the world |  Ukraine: two years of stagnant war (part 1) – El Sol de México


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The conflict in Ukraine has been active for 24 months, with a war completely stagnant, which was displaced into the background with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and with no intention of ending.

In the last two years, both Russia and Ukraine and their Western allies have suffered setbacks in the war that has destabilized the world, but they have not stopped it as was speculated.

In this first part, Víctor Hugo Rico and Jair Soto analyze how the war has developed in these two years with failed theories such as the fleeting Russian military operation, Ukrainian denazification, Russian economic sanctions or the European energy crisis and what is expected in the future to end the conflict.

2024-02-19 15:00:00
#Podcast #keys #world #Ukraine #years #stagnant #war #part #Sol #México


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