Oviedo receives more than 200 children for the Carnival tournament

Oviedo receives more than 200 children for the Carnival tournament

On the left, Nuria Meana, Concepción Méndez and Paula Bergel. | OCB

More than 200 children will fill the courts of Pumarín and Tudela Agüeria today and tomorrow thanks to the Caja Rural de Asturias Carnival Tournament organized by Alimerka Oviedo Baloncesto. A tournament that was born with the intention of perpetuating itself over time and in which nine clubs from different parts of Spain participate in this first edition. The children of Real Valladolid, Grupo, ADB Pas Piélagos, Santander Cantabasket 04, Reino de León, CB Brión, Club Baloncesto Montrove, Patatas Hijolusa Lioness Team Basketball and the OCB itself will be in Oviedo.

The tournament was presented yesterday by the head of the Alimerka Oviedo quarry, Paula Bergel; the Councilor for Sports of Oviedo, Concepción Méndez; and the marketing manager of Caja Rural de Asturias, Nuria Meana.

Bergel assured that this tournament aims to “be a reference in the north not only on a sporting level, but also on coexistence and values.” For Concepción Méndez, the tournament serves to “make visible the work that is done from the quarry by a reference club such as the OCB.” Meana, for his part, acknowledged that he feels “an active part of the club and we will be supporting everything we can add.”

2024-02-10 03:00:38
#Oviedo #receives #children #Carnival #tournament


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