Opportunity Knocks: Paralympic Athletes Granted Free Higher Education Through Alliance with COPACHI

Alliance between this institution and the Chilean Paralympic Committee (COPACHI) to recognize the talent and effort of the 167 athletes who represented us in the Santiago 2023 games allows them to access Higher Education for free.

Discipline, rigor and perseverance have been the keys for the Paralympic athletes who They represented our country in the past Parapan American Games. It will be these same attributes that these athletes will apply in their new challenge: enter to study in Vocational Technical Higher Education.

Thanks to one 100% scholarship that INACAP offered to all the Paralympic representatives of Team Chile, 19 of these athletes they have already enrolled to study at its Technical Training Center (CFT) at the headquarters of the Metropolitan region, Montt port, Valparaiso y Arica.

Among the chosen careers, the following stand out: Logistics, Business Administration, Programming Analyst and Digital Design. The scholarship covers 100% of tuition and fees during the formal duration of each race.

Francisca Neiman He is 20 years old and is number one in Chile in his discipline, paraswimming. In the past Parapan American Games reached the finals and he was about to win a medal.

decided to study Business Administration at Ñuñoa Headquarters because It is very close to the High Performance Center at the National Stadium where he trains between two and four hours a day.

“It is a tremendous opportunity to be able to studying for the first time in Higher Educationwith a scholarship and with the possibility of continuing training. It is a reward for effort what it means to dedicate yourself to sport and represent Chile,” he expressed.

The young woman added that she chose the administration career because “has a large occupational field to develop professionally.”

Another of the scholarship recipients is Juan Felipe Riquelmehas 46 years and occupies the number 20 in the world in judo for blind people. At the successful Santiago 2023 Parapan American Games she almost won the bronze medal.

This athlete will enter through the doors of Inacap at its headquarters in La Granja to study Public Administration Technicianwhere his dream, in his own words, is “work in the disability department of some municipality.”

He says he is anxious because he hasn’t studied for 20 yearsbut he takes on the challenge understanding that new job opportunities may open up for him in the future, without neglecting his training.

I want to be a reference for other people who are afraid to study, for example, at my age. I’m old but not obsolete. I have had to compete with people who are 20 years old and I have beaten them. In the study I will apply the same discipline and sacrifice“added the judoka.

2024-02-23 17:16:18
#Paralympic #athletes #enter #Inacap #study


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