“One of the biggest stories in football has come to an end”, the media are inflamed after the announcement of the departure of Kylian Mbappé

In Spain and Italy, Kylian Mbappé makes the headlines. Panoramic

NEWSPAPER – The announcement of the departure of Kylian Mbappé from Paris Saint-Germain at the end of the season particularly sparked discussion in the European and particularly Spanish press.

Impossible to have missed the sports information from this Thursday, February 15, 2024: Kylian Mbappé announced to his president, Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, that he will leave Paris Saint-Germain at the end of the season.

To go where? Doubt persists, even if Real Madrid is in pole position to secure the services of the Parisian darling. For Brand, “Mbappé does not take this step without already having a new team.” This same Spanish daily ensures that “Mbappé is one of the elected officials”but the 2018 world champion “will have to adapt to the Madrid locker room.” Marca, however, was satisfied with a “it’s leaving, it’s coming”, “he goes, he arrives”on the front page of his newspaper this Friday, February 16.

SEE ALSO – Paris SG: the best moments of Kylian Mbappé during the first part of the 2023-2024 season


“A revolution in France”according to AS

ASwhich titles «Adieu Paris» with a photo of Kylian Mbappé this Friday morning, evokes the end of an era. “One of the biggest stories of the last five years, this century and, perhaps, the history of football has come to an end. Kylian Mbappé leaves PSG.” Information which, again according to AS, caused “a revolution in France” since “The child prodigy and the greatest asset of his championship will leave the Parisian club in June after seven seasons in the French capital.”

The front page of AS, this Friday February 16. A.S.

The Athletic assure that Kylian Mbapp will «très probablement» join Real Madrid. “He had to wait to fulfill his destiny on the biggest stage of club football. At Real Madrid, that’s precisely what he will have.”wrote the specialized media a few hours after the news.

In France, L’Équipe titled in a humorous way, two days after the «Saint-Valentin», “It’s decided, I’m leaving you”imitating what Kylian Mbappé could have said when announcing his departure from the club to Nasser Al-Khelafi. “Mbappé will have given his youth and seven very good years of his career to the French Championship and Paris-Saint-Germain. The time has come to turn a page, even if the story is not over.”writes the French daily.

“Mbapp at Real” already confirmed in Italy

In Italy, while no rumor suggests Kylian Mbappé leaving on the other side of the Alps, the Corriere dello Sport also confirms a departure of the 25-year-old Frenchman to Real Madrid, which would undoubtedly delight the club’s Italian coach. “And Mbappé makes Carlos Ancelotti happy”we can read on their front page of the day.

From son côté, La Gazzetta dello Sport did not fail to take this announcement from Kylian Mbappé to send it directly to Real Madrid. While no official announcement has been made, the Italian daily shows a photomontage of Kylian Mbappé with a Real Madrid jersey on its front page, accompanied by the title “Mbappé has Real”.

La Gazzetta dello Sport, we sold 16 days ago. Gazzetta dello Sport



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