Novaya Gazeta: ‘Bruises on Navalny, perhaps due to convulsions and cardiac massage’ – News

Novaya Gazeta: ‘Bruises on Navalny, perhaps due to convulsions and cardiac massage’ – News

A source quoted by Novaya Gazeta said that Alexei Navalny’s body is in the morgue of Salekhard hospital and that bruises possibly caused by convulsions and one compatible with cardiac massage have been identified on the body. “Such bruises – according to the source – appear following convulsions. The person is shaken by convulsions, they try to hold him back and so the signs appear. They said he has a bruise on his chest. It’s something that appears from a cardiac massage. That is to say, they tried to resuscitate him but he died, most likely from cardiac arrest. But no one says anything about the cause of the arrest.”

The popular newspaper Bild claims that Alexei Navalny died “perhaps shortly before his possible release” as part of a “prisoner exchange” between the USA, Russia and Germany. “According to Bild, a prisoner exchange was planned between Moscow, Washington and Berlin. Putin wanted to get back the ‘Tiergarten killer’, an agent who shot a regime opponent in Berlin in 2019. He even hinted as much publicly in an interview with Tucker Carlson. There was talk of the possibility that Putin, in exchange, would release Navalny”, writes the newspaper’s website without providing further details on the matter.

“Navalny died on February 16, 2024, the day of the start of the Munich Security Conference. Exactly one month before the presidential elections in Russia. And perhaps shortly before his possible release” stated Bild. Only two days before the start of the Conference, on Wednesday, a no-comment from the Kremlin had circulated in the media on a possible prisoner exchange with the United States which is demanding the release of former marine Paul Whelan and journalist Evan Gershkovich, both detained in Russian prisons on espionage charges. The day before, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he had spoken to Whelan in a rare phone call granted by Russian authorities.

For further information Agenzia ANSA The NGO Ovd-Info: “401 pro-Navalny demonstrators stopped in Russia” – News – In the first two days of demonstrations in memory of the dissident. Biden: “Putin will pay a price” (ANSA)

In Moscow the tribute continues in front of the Wall of Sorrow

In Moscow we continue for the third day in a row to remember the opponent Alexey Navalny by laying flowers at the foot of the Wall of Sorrow, a monument dedicated to the victims of Soviet repression. ANSA found this on the spot. The police have cordoned off the square on which the monument stands and are checking the bags and shoulder bags of those who want to commemorate the dissident who died in the prison in the far north where he was locked up for political reasons. The flowers, candles and messages placed yesterday in front of the monument appear to have been removed, but other flowers continue to be left in front of the memorial now.

His wife’s post on social media: ‘I love you’

“I love you”. These are the two words that Yulia Navalnaya, wife of the Russian dissident who died during his detention in Russia, posted on Instagram. Navalny’s wife also posted a photo of herself and her husband kissing her on the forehead.

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2024-02-18 13:53:00
#Novaya #Gazeta #Bruises #Navalny #due #convulsions #cardiac #massage #News


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