Mining Union and Alstom reach an agreement for a 7% salary increase – El Sol de México

With a 7 percent salary increase, among other benefits, the strike call that Section 200 of the National Union of Mining, Metallurgical, Steel and Similar Workers of the Mexican Republic made to the railway company Alstom, in Ciudad Sahagún, ended. , Gentleman.

In the presence of the head of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), Marath Bolaños López, this agreement was ratified today between the leader of the Mining Union, Napoleón Gómez Urrutia, and the general director of Alstom México, Maite Ramos.

The Secretary of Labor said that the importance of dialogue is that it results in improvement for workers as well as companies.

“There is protection of labor rights with the goal of improving living conditions, but also of facilitating economic activities,” he said.

He recognized the willingness of both the company and the union to dialogue and address the approaches of both the business sector and the workers in a “social dialogue that allowed progress and the solution reflected in this arrangement.”

The general director of the railway company, Maite Ramos, thanked the support, mediation and promptness of the Ministry of Labor in addressing this matter.

“Here it has been shown that by being on the same side, agreements can be reached,” he said.

He also recognized that they always sought not to privilege one or the other, but rather that there was a benefit for everyone and that a fair agreement was reached, particularly for the workers to the extent that it could be possible.

In turn, the leader of the Mining Union, Napoleón Gómez Urrutia, highlighted the intermediation of the STPS to facilitate the conciliation of different points of view between the company and workers, “with which a step forward is taken for the future of the country and of the entire resurgence of the railway industry.

“With Alstom we have the most important and good specialized workers in the world, welders, mechanics, electricians, and we want them to feel happy and not take them to other companies.

“Thus we reached a good agreement that was even approved for the first time in the history of Section 200, unanimously,” said Gómez Urrutia.

At the time, the head of the STPS Decent Work Unit, Alejandro Salafranca Vázquez, who led the negotiations together with his counterpart from the Institutional Strategy Unit, Rodrigo Ramírez Quintana, stated:

“Both sides knew what was at stake; what the company and the industrial project mean for the support of the railway, that in this environment of communion of thought, ideas and future, the open, sincere and unremarkable dialogue with which the agreement was reached was very simple,” he added.

2024-02-14 01:43:10
#Mining #Union #Alstom #reach #agreement #salary #increase #Sol #México


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