Miami Heat Prioritize Tyler Herro’s Health Amidst Playoff Push

The Heat don’t even want to hear about a possible injury to Tyler Herro. He guard For them, he is an essential part of everything they do (and hope to do) and that is why they are trying to take care of him to the limit, since experiencing another playoff race without him – last year he only played one game – is a scenario that they want to avoid at all times. coast.

Thinking precisely about a healthy future with his player, it was Herro himself who announced that they were going to perform an MRI on his knee as a precaution. The player points out that the swelling has been minimal, but they want to be completely sure that there is no problem.

While the results are awaited, and regardless of whether they are more or less positive, Herro’s participation in this morning’s game against the Sacramento Kings seems complicated. They do not want to risk the slightest and resting one more game will not change anything, a priori, in the result of the season.

The truth is that Herro’s health is worrying. In five years that he has been playing with the Heat, in only two has he played more than 60 regular season games and at present he has only played 36. They understand that they must take care of him, and despite the good work of the Florida team in recent postseasons – they have played in the Finals twice in four years – Herro’s best performance dates back to the 2019-20 season, when he was still a rookie and He averaged 16 points a night.

(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)

2024-02-26 14:00:00
#Miami #takes #extreme #caution #Tyler #Herro


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