Mazzarri, Naples coach, believes that criticism helps him improve the team

The former Italian footballer and coach Walter Mazzarri, SSC Naples coach since the French Rudi Garcia was dismissed in the middle of last November, will receive, next week, the Xavi Hernández’s FCBarcelonain the first leg of the Champions League round of 16. Before, in the same way that the azulgranas will visit Balaids in a difficult clash against Celtathe Neapolitans will receive, in the Diego Armando Maradona stadiumal Genoawhich occupies 12th position, three places below Naples, which is 17 points behind Inter, the leader of Serie A.

Mazzarri is not living his best days in Naples, in the same way that Xavi is going through a conflictive period after announcing, suddenly, by surprise, that he will leave Barça at the end of this season. Today, in the press conference prior to the clash with Genoa, Mazzarri, who is being highly questioned because his team is not capable of shining at the level of last season, when it won the ‘scudetto’, spoke about the press and criticism in the broad sense of the term.

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“I have been in the profession for 23 years and, when I go to a press conference, I first try to know, through my communications advisor or having read or listened to it, what you have written or said and so I come prepared to face the questions. what you will do to me,” commented the Naples coach.

“Of course, criticism, if it comes from a place of tranquility, from common sense, from logic, I analyze it and even reflect on it because, sometimes, it can help me change something about the team and improve it. But if the criticism doesn’t make much sense, I laugh at it and that’s it. The only important thing in football is that the team plays its best and wins games. The rest matters little.”

“I respond to criticism if it comes from reason and logic, because it may even be useful to me; otherwise, I laugh at it”

Walter Mazzarri

— Napoli coach

The coach of the feat conquered last year, the first title of the post-Diego Armando Maradona era, Luciano Spalletti, he went to the Italian team. The powerful and popular president of Napoli, Aurelius of Lawrencechose García, but as the Frenchman did not respond to the expectations raised, he was dismissed and relieved by Mazzarri, last November, who already coached the tenants of the Diego Armando Maradona stadium, in Naples, between 2009 and 2013.

Mazzarri previously passed through the Watford, Sampdoria, Inter de Milan and his own Naples. Mazzarri’s opportunity apparently came after De Laurentis ruled out the Croatian Igor Tudor due to the fear that he would play only with a three-center defense and, also, because he demanded a longer contract, until 2025, something that the president of the southern club did not like.

2024-02-16 16:01:10
#Mazzarri #Naples #coach #believes #criticism #helps #improve #team


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