Manizales Creates Ramón Marín Vargas Coliseum for Sports Training and Development in 16 Disciplines

  • The Ramón Marín Vargas Coliseum Sports Training and Development Center will be established
  • In this scenario, 16 sports disciplines will be practiced.

The Mayor’s Office of Manizales transforms the Menor Coliseum into the “Ramón Marín Vargas Coliseum Sports Training and Development Center”, which seeks to adapt these facilities for the teaching-learning, practice and competition of Manizales athletes, in order to improve their sporting performance and improve their quality of life.

The sports were selected from a public call where leagues and clubs presented their sports project for the years 2024-2027. These were exhaustively reviewed in terms of: massification processes, sports performance and social projection; This evaluation allowed us to generate three sports development centers and two practice scenarios. In total it will host 16 sports disciplines.

  • Room 1: Sports development center for disabled people CDD (Parafencing, Table tennis, Boccia and Parabillar)
  • Room 2: Volleyball and indoor soccer sports arena, in free strips.
  • Room 3: Combat Sports Development Center (Karate, Judo, Aikido, Kendo, Jiu-Jitsu and Wrestling)
  • Room 4: Ball sports development center (Basketball, Handball, Futsal and Indoor Soccer)
  • Room 4: Figure skating.

Through the Ministry of Sports, the maintenance of the stage will be carried out in the areas of: public services, electricity, water and gas, surveillance, cleaning, non-contractual civil liability policies, equipment of the facilities and technical assistance for the development of the sports centers.

Through this strategy, the mayor of Manizales Jorge Eduardo Rojas Giraldo seeks to: “strengthen the teams and athletes to participate in national and international events, representing the municipality and forming the Manizales National Team.”

2024-02-28 19:09:05
#Coliseo #Menor #multisports #space #Manizaleños


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