Luka Mkheidze Secures Top 3 World Ranking After Strong Performance in Paris and Azerbaijan Tournaments

Luka Mkheidze is in great form at the moment. Winner of the Paris tournament two weeks ago, he came close to victory on Friday in Azerbaijan during the Baku tournament. He took second place in less than 60 kilos, beaten by the Russian Abdulaev on a disputed arbitration decision. The PSG Judo judoka enters the top 3 in the world.

Luka Mkheidze, what is the outcome of this day where you caused a lot of falls and this beautiful final where you came close to victory?

I am happy with my day, especially happy to have managed to complete a second competition in two weeks. The diet had to be restarted. It’s not easy to win a competition and come back this close to a medal. Today (Friday, editor’s note), I did judo, I fell. In the final, I knew it was going to be very hard. I had already faced him (Ramazan Abdulaev, 21st in the world). I knew he was very strong on the ground, I managed not to go to his strong point. Standing up, I had sequences where I could have fallen. It doesn’t go far in terms of penalties. He is an opponent that I will surely meet again at the Olympic Games, it is good to have gathered information.

You are disqualified for a head press when it looked like the third penalty was going to fall against your opponent and give you victory. What feeling does this leave you with?

I would say that’s fair, those are the rules. Unfortunately, I have the impression that the referees sometimes apply the rule, sometimes do not apply it. It’s a shame to end the match this way. I made the last three attacks. I would have found it better if the referees penalized the Russian and not disqualified me… If it had been the other way around I would have been happy of course »r, if it was the Russian who had found himself in my situation.

This second place puts you in the top 3 in the world under 60 kilos. Do you plan to rest now to prepare for the Olympics?

I’m going to take some rest. It’s important. This will be one last big break before resuming preparation for the Olympics. I’m going to take a breather but also stay active so as not to lose everything I’m putting in place at the moment. The competition program until Paris 2024 has not yet been defined, unlike the training courses. I am going to go to Uzbekistan then to Japan for two internships. I plan to do two competitions maximum between now and Paris.

Comments collected by Morgan Maury

2024-02-17 10:48:18
#Happy #succeeded #continuing #Baku #Mkheidze #unfolds #plan #Paris #Olympics


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