Legendary President Peter Fischer Steps Down After 24 Years at Eintracht Frankfurt: Mathias Beck Elected as Successor

An era ended on Monday evening: After 24 years, Peter Fischer resigned from his position as Eintracht President. Great emotions and big words accompanied the general meeting in Frankfurt’s Jahrhunderthalle. The new president is real estate entrepreneur Mathias Beck, who was elected by an overwhelming majority.

Tears to say goodbye: Peter Fischer with his successor Matthias Beck. picture alliance/dpa

Frankfurt’s Jahrhunderthalle was bursting at the seams when President Peter Fischer’s 24-year term in office ended on Monday evening at the Eintracht members’ meeting. “Sold out house, I only know something like that from our stadium,” said Fischer astonished as he looked at the stands, where some of the members had to stand due to space constraints. The outgoing president proudly announced the number of more than 139,000 members, making Eintracht the twelfth largest club in the world. “An incredible success.”

The figures presented by Fischer document how much the club and the Fußball AG, founded in July 2000, have grown during Fischer’s term of office: When Fischer started, there were fewer than 1,500 athletes active under the umbrella of the SGE, now there are more than ten times as many. The number of full-time employees at the eV grew from eight to over 100, and at Fußball AG the number of employees rose from 20 to over 500.

We are a colorful club. Anyone who doesn’t live up to that, we’ll throw them out.

After almost a quarter of a century as president, he feels that he is slowly running out of “energy”: “The pleasures I was able to take with me in my life have never left me without a trace. But I wouldn’t do it any other way.” Fischer, the bon vivant. “I feel it’s time to stop.” The 67-year-old used his last major appearance to once again focus on the values ​​for which he has particularly publicly advocated for years.

Fischer: Political, as always

Eintracht Frankfurt: Hot stock or hot air?

02/05/24 – 3:45 p.m. 1:15 minutes

“Sport is never just apolitical, I have always seen our statutes as a guiding principle. Sport serves the peaceful coexistence of people, there is no place for racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination.” Thunderous applause, standing ovation. “The club only lives through the people. We are a colorful club, a big international family,” emphasizes Fischer. Anyone who doesn’t live up to that “we’ll throw them out at the end of the day, we’ll have the consequences.” A special sign: Relatives of the victims of the racist terrorist attack in Hanau (February 19, 2020) came at his invitation and sat in the front row.

He sent warm words to his successor Mathias Beck (52). He met the successful real estate entrepreneur 15 years ago on the way to a fan club meeting: “Mathias meets all the requirements to become at least as good a president as I am. He is a Eintracht member through and through. He is part of the club in the background and in the club committees “We have been connected for many years. I am infinitely happy and happy to be handing this club over into good hands.”

Beck and his plans: An ultra in the presidium

The new strong man at Eintracht: Mathias Beck. picture alliance/dpa

Beck played the ball back. “You stood like a wall for Eintracht Frankfurt for 24 years. Peter, you are a great, I am a big fan of yours. You advanced our club and were the ambassador par excellence,” emphasized the 52-year-old in his introductory speech. In the following half hour he outlined his plans and goals for Eintracht. He sees a central task as opening up more and larger sports facilities for the over 50 sports under the Eintracht umbrella. Because it’s not just the Centennial Hall that’s bursting at the seams… Of all the clubs that offer professional football, Eintracht is the “largest popular sports club in the world.” This was the result of a commissioned study.

Beck also wants to strengthen the “dialogue with the curve”. For this purpose, a member of Ultras Frankfurt will join the executive committee: Benjamin von Loefen, who works as managing director of an international fitness chain. Von Loefen should primarily focus on expanding the sports facility infrastructure and strengthening volunteer work. Basically, Beck emphasized: “Even with me as president, we will not deviate an inch from our values.”

Fischer becomes honorary president

At 9:47 p.m. the time had come: of the 1,867 members entitled to vote, an overwhelming majority voted for Beck. There were only five votes against and eleven abstentions, but also no opposing candidate. But Fischer won’t completely disappear from the scene. At 10:03 p.m. Fischer was elected as the future honorary president – unsurprisingly, a clear majority voted here too. With thunderous applause, the circle closed on this historic evening in the Eintracht world.

Moritz Kreilinger, Julian Franzke

2024-02-05 21:22:47
#Great #emotions #Fischers #farewell #Beck #president


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