LeBron decides the LA derby: When you enter ‘in the zone’ it’s something that can’t be described

Last night LeBron James marked the Lakers’ victory in the Los Angeles derby against the Clippers, scoring 19 of his 34 points in the fourth quarter – against the 16 total of Leonard and his teammates… -.

In the post-match The Chosen One talked about the 3 triples scored in the first minutes of the last set, with which he practically halved the -21 from which the yellow and purple started.

“When you enter ‘in the zone’ it’s something that can’t be described. You wish you could stay there forever, but obviously it all ends once the game is over. But while you’re on the pitch you don’t feel anything, it’s as if you have super powers…

“When I’m on the court, I have to make my plays. Sometimes even more than usual,” concludes James. “And tonight was one of those moments where I had to do even more to allow us to get back into the game and, in the end, win it.”

At the Clippers, coach Lue complains about the 7 turnovers in the fourth quarter, which led to 18 points for the Lakers.

“I don’t think I’ve ever lost from a 21-point lead in the fourth quarter in my coaching career, but LeBron was on fire… We talked about it before the game: You can’t lose too many balls against the Lakers because they are deadly at taking advantage of them.”

2024-02-29 18:24:54
#LeBron #decides #derby #enter #zone


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