Kylian Mbappé: The Contract Standoff and Real Madrid Rumors

Kylian Mbappé His contract ends this coming June 30 and he wants to play in the Real Madrid. In fact, he sent a letter to the PSG offices last June announcing that he would not renew his contract. Seen this way, it sounds easy, but things are not so simple when it comes to signing the best player in the world, no matter how much there has been talk that everything would be settled in January, then in February and maybe it’s time to say March. Kylian may even have already decided, but neither he nor those around him confirm it.

Mbappé drives the ball in the match against Brest this week.

It is true that the ball is now in Real Madrid’s court, but since he arrived there many in Pariswho have been dealing with the Mbappé world for years and years, already sensed that it was not going to be all bed of roses. And even more so if the white club insists that this time everything will be done under its conditions.

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But Madrid has collided with Fayza Lamari, a tough nut to crack, an implacable woman, who does not hide and who also wants to impose her conditions even if Kylian is willing to give in. And it seems that for now they are far from what the white club offers. “If they had offered us 10,000 million, we would have accepted. It is the system,” said Kylian’s representative. in his last interview when they asked him about the last renewal with PSG.

PSG’s posture

PSG, for its part, is calm, aware that the match is now being played in Madrid. While Kylian has not signed anything, in the Princes Park They are prudent. The wish of Al Khelaifi, Luis Campos and Luis Enrique is for the forward to staybut there is a pact sealed long ago with the three on the part of the player that they expect him to fulfill in case he leaves.

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In Paris they understand any decision the player makes, whether to close his time in France or accept Al Khelaifi’s renewal offer, but They consider that PSG is above Kylian and any other footballer. There is a plan drawn up either with Mbappé or without him and the club is not going to bow to the wishes of any of its players. Qatar decided to change the club’s policy at the end of last season, giving Luis Enrique command of the team and building on a young group with a future that has Mbappé as a reference.

The scenario therefore seems to have changed.. Madrid wants the player and PSG more of the same, but they both say that the sustainability and balance of the club is above all. Both insist on highlighting their conditions.

2024-02-11 10:21:22
#signing #Mbappé #easy


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