Judo Matelica: A Growing Discipline with Limes Asd Judo Organization

1′ read 12/02/2024 – The discipline of judo in Matelica is growing strongly thanks to the commitment of Limes asd Judo Matelica, an organization founded about 5 years ago and recognized by CONI.

Confirmation of this growing development is the event staged last Saturday at the sports hall which saw 32 judokas of the company perform the so-called “belt passing”. Under the watchful eyes of the teacher and president Marco Nastasi and the vice-president Simona Leonardi, the transition involved children aged between 7 and 33 (90% of the Limes Asd Judo Matelica members are between 4 and 12 years old).

Great satisfaction for the Sports Councilor Graziano Falzetti who was present at the event: «A beautiful event that confirms the growth of this beautiful sporting reality – he commented – as the municipal administration we thank the teachers and all those who commit themselves daily for the love of this splendid discipline which is not just a simple sport, but also a school of life.”

2024-02-12 16:58:01
#Matelica #belt #passage #dozens #athletes


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