Judo: An Elegant and Rare Martial Art Outside of Japan

The correct French translation of the given English sentence “Judo is an elegant martial art that is rare outside of Japan.” would be:

Judo is an elegant and rare martial art outside of Japan.”

In the original sentence you provided, there are a few mistakes in grammar and spelling. Here is a breakdown of the corrections:

1. “most elegant in the world” should be “le plus elegant du monde” to mean “the most elegant in the world.”
2. “es very rare audhor Japon” should be “et very rare outside Japan” to mean “and very rare outside of Japan.”

So, the corrected sentence in French is: “Judo is an elegant and rare martial art outside of Japan.”

2024-02-25 07:59:45
#sentence #correct #Judo #elegant #martial #arts #world #rare #Japan #Judo #elegant #martial #art #rare #Japan


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