Journalist Luca Abete Attacked While Investigating Counterfeit Olive Oil in Italy

Luca Abete, a well-known correspondent for “Striscia la Notizia”, ​​recently found himself at the center of a heated confrontation while investigating the counterfeit extra virgin olive oil that has invaded the Italian market. Abete’s investigation focused on the unfair practices of some producers who label products that are actually made from seed oils as extra virgin olive oil, a dishonest practice that harms both consumers and honest producers. As Abete approached a stall in the Boscotrecase market selling this counterfeit oil, he ended up greeted not only by a reaction of distrust and hostility, but also by a real physical attack. Pieces of cheese flew and heavy insults and threats followed. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE SERVICE.

This episode highlights not only the gravity of the situation, but also the resistance and hostility that journalists and investigators can encounter as they try to expose illicit behavior and defend the interests of consumers.

Counterfeit olive oil represents a rampant fraud that damages not only the Italian olive industry, but also the reputation of Made in Italy around the world. Extra virgin olive oil is a symbol of the Mediterranean diet and Italian culture, and its correct labeling and control are essential to guarantee food quality and safety.

2024-02-22 23:37:14
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