“Jelgava” lost in the Baltic League quarter-final match – Volleyball – Sportacentrs.com

“Jelgava” lost in the Baltic League quarter-final match – Volleyball – Sportacentrs.com

“Jelgava” lost 0-3 (23:25, 20:25, 17:25) to the Estonian team “Rae Spordikool”, ending up as losers in the series with 0-1.

Sola scored 15 points for the home team, and Silvija Pertens scored 14 points for the guests.

It has already been reported that in the battle of two Riga teams on Saturday in Jūrmala, “Rīga Stradiņa University” Sports Gymnasium” (RSU/MSĘ) beat the team 3-2 (25:19, 25:18, 20:25, 25:27, 15:11) “Riga Volleyball School” University” (RVS/LU), taking the lead with 1-0 in the series up to two victories.

The second games in the series will take place on February 24 at the RVS/LU field and in Rae.

As in the previous year, ten teams compete in the BSVL competition. Latvia is represented by four units – “Jelgava”, “Riga Volleyball School” University” (RVS/LU), “Riga Stradiņa University” Sports Gymnasium” (RSU/MSĂ) and Daugavpils “SuFA club” University” (“SuFA club”/DU ).Estonia is also represented by four clubs (Tartu TU/”Bigbank”, Tallinn “TalTech”, “Rae Spordikool” and “Audentes SG”/NK), and Lithuania – by two (Jonavas “Aušrine” and “Kaunas-VDU “).

Last season, “Kaunas-VDU” became the champions in the final of two Lithuanian teams, which defeated “Aušrine” in four sets, while RVS/LU won the third place.

2024-02-10 19:02:04
#Jelgava #lost #Baltic #League #quarterfinal #match #Volleyball #Sportacentrs.com


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