Highlights from the Senior Club Championships at BVDEO Badminton: Matching Outfits, Laughs, and Strong Competition

Mon Feb 5, 4:15 PM Sports read 409 times

They arrived half an hour before their first match, with cups bearing their names, perfectly matched outfits with their doubles or mixed partner, and high socks to protect against injuries. These were some of the ingredients for the weekend of the Senior Club Championships at BVDEO Badminton. It is clear that the ladies put more effort into matching than the men. Older youth members also attended this tournament, where they learned from the experienced players.

Countless cheers flew across the track. Some had long conversations (mainly the women), while others stuck to ‘egg’, ‘poop’ and ‘pancake’ when things weren’t going so well. Where did it sometimes come from? No idea. They do know that they would rather have one thing on their plate than another.

Exciting matches, nerves before the match, a bench full of supporters with slippers, unlimited fries and snacks on Saturday after a day full of fun. One went home with three bunches of flowers and cups, the other empty-handed. Congratulations to Saskia & Rick, the club champions in the single!

The muscle pain of the next few days is well worth it! It is always nice to be part of DEO. Thank you to the organization for another wonderful weekend full of fanaticism!

2024-02-05 15:16:45
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