Hdl Nardò Basket Falls to Cantù Despite Courageous Effort: A Recap of the A2 Championship Clock Phase Match

Hdl Nardò Basket, courageous and wasteful, surrenders to Cantù on the third day of the “clock” phase of the A2 championship. Acqua San Bernardo, even without Moraschini as a team of great depth, imposed the attitude of the big players by putting intelligence and physical strength, extreme offensive fluidity and excellent defensive organisation.

For Hdl a constant chasing game and a final flash that made the guests tremble. There is no shortage of positive confirmations of the good things of the last few weeks, unfortunately also the negative ones. One fact above all, the 9/19 from the foul line which squashed all the Granata’s ambitions this evening.


Taurus wears a special “suit”. The tank tops with the logo of the Nadia Toffa Foundation, signed by the Granata players, will end up at auction on eBay to support the Pediatric Onco-Hematology department of the San Giovanni Paolo II Polo of the Vito Fazzi Hospital in Lecce.

However, there is nothing new in the starting quintet: Parravicini, Smith, La Torre, Stewart jr. and Iannuzzi. Cantù immediately puts muscle and good intensity into it, scoring with Young, Baldi Rossi and Bucarelli. On Nardò, as usual, the lack of vein from the bow (and not only) weighs heavily. Dalmonte sends Maspero and Nikolic to the parquet, shortly afterwards also Baldasso. Acqua San Bernardo comes ten points ahead. Nikolic breaks the guest monologue with a bomb. Baldi Rossi from below sets the score at 12-21 at the first break.

The feeling is that overtime will be needed to get the better of a very well-equipped opponent. For example, Wayne Stewart jr.’s aim. from the 6.75 line. The man from Philadelphia thus breaks into the scoreboard. Maspero and Baldasso imitate him, it’s game on.

The winning penetration of a superb Maspero displaces the Lombard defense for the surprising -3 grenade. Very effective rebounds and pick and rolls, however, keep Devis Cagnardi’s team firmly ahead, Toro returns to waste a lot, even trivial things from the paint. With the Americans in the dark, it was Baldasso who took on the role of the bomber of the day. Hickey opens the defense like a hot knife through butter, the second half of the second quarter is an ordeal. Cantù is at +11 before a new Maspero raid. He is 32-41 upon returning to the locker room.

Baldi Rossi and Smith scored immediately. But the script shows no signs of changing. Cantù’s shooting is simply monstrous. Hdl awaits signals from the Americans, but if Smith lights up in flashes, Stewart jr. almost nothing. The visiting team extends again to +16, Dalmonte orders a timeout from which Nikolic comes out with a nice suspended basket.

After a passage of full depression, the Pala San Giuseppe lights up again with another bomb from Baldasso. A fire in the pan, put out by a very regular Acqua San Bernardo. Hickey is obviously a player of another category. The third quarter ends 55-67.

Stewart jr. he returns to the match with a triple from the corner. The Granata heart prevents Cantù from spreading, the Granata put a lot of competitive spirit into it rather than quality and precision. Nikolic hits from the arc for -7. Maspero puts his shoulders on his shoulders with two more lethal incursions, but Cantù raises the banks again.

The Granata never managed the final draw. With 1’30” left, Smith scores the -3 and, as expected, Baldi Rossi does the same thing. Smith hits the target again from distance, then goes off for five fouls 39 seconds before the siren. Baldi Rossi misses the knockout shot and in possession of the possible draw Maspero is sent to the line. But the Granata playmaker from this position is on his worst day (0/6). Nardò has possession with -5 and 7 seconds left. Nothing will change Cantù takes it home (75-80).

In Dalmonte the legacy of a match to learn from, with singles found (above all Nikolic and Baldasso) and others to find again, with mistakes to eat one’s hands over (defensive oversights, free throws and some comfortable support from below failed sensationally). The championship continues. Cantù gave more regrets than one could have imagined. But the imperative is to look forward.


HDL Nardò Basket – Acqua S.Bernardo Cantù 75-80 (12-21, 20-20, 23-26, 20-13)

HDL Nardò Basket: Russ Smith 19 (3/3, 3/9), Lorenzo Baldasso 14 (1/3, 4/5), Lazar Nikolic 11 (2/2, 2/2), Lorenzo Maspero 11 (4/6 , 1/6), Antonio Iannuzzi 8 (3/5, 0/0), Wayne Stewart jr 6 (0/4, 2/3), Matteo Ferrara 4 (1/2, 0/0), Matteo Parravicini 2 ( 1/2, 0/2), Andrea La torre 0 (0/1, 0/1), Andrea Donda 0 (0/0, 0/0), Gabriele Barbone 0 (0/0, 0/0), Mattia Door 0 (0/0, 0/0)
Free throws: 9 / 19 – Rebounds: 30 6 + 24 (Wayne Stewart jr 7) – Assists: 17 (Lorenzo Maspero 7)

Acqua S.Bernardo Cantù: Filippo Baldi rossi 18 (4/4, 2/4), Solomon Young 16 (5/7, 1/4), Lorenzo Bucarelli 13 (4/6, 1/8), Stefan Nikolic 12 ( 3/4, 2/6), Anthony Hickey 10 (4/11, 0/2), Nicola Berdini 6 (0/1, 1/3), Christian Burns 5 (0/1, 1/3), Curtis Nwohuocha 0 (0/1, 0/0), Filippo Clerici 0 (0/0, 0/0), Gabriele Tarallo 0 (0/0, 0/0)
Free throws: 16 / 18 – Rebounds: 35 10 + 25 (Solomon Young 10) – Assists: 15 (Lorenzo Bucarelli 7)

2024-02-25 20:23:55
#HDL #Nardò #wasted #surrender #excellent #Pallacanestro #Cantù


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