FC Bayern: Thomas Tuchel on his exit – “It was a short conversation”

FC Bayern: Thomas Tuchel on his exit – “It was a short conversation”

Bundesliga Thomas Tuchel

“It didn’t take us long, it was a short conversation”

As of: 1:49 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

“If there was a clear culprit, someone else would be sitting here today.”

The separation at the end of the season is a done deal. After clarifying the tricky situation, FC Bayern coach Thomas Tuchel also sees an opportunity and takes a clear position.

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Thomas Tuchel will leave FC Bayern at the end of the season. The club announced this in a statement in which the coach was quoted with a succinct sentence. Now it will be more detailed. Tuchel comments on the reasons and circumstances.

Thomas Tuchel and FC Bayern will face RB Leipzig in the top game of the Bundesliga on Saturday at 6:30 p.m. It will be the first game since Wednesday’s announcement that the club and coach would part ways at the end of the season. At latest. Because of course it is possible in this constellation that it ends earlier. A defeat against RB could fuel such a development.

What does Tuchel think about the failed engagement? Where does he see the reasons? There was nothing about this in the club’s announcement. Tuchel was only quoted with a succinct sentence: “We have agreed that we will end our cooperation after this season. Until then, I and my coaching team will of course continue to do everything we can to ensure maximum success.”

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On Friday, Tuchel gave the obligatory press conference before the Leipzig game, which of course had very little to do with Leipzig. But about Tuchel’s failure at FC Bayern.

“There is clarity. And clarity brings freedom”

“It didn’t take us long, it was a short conversation,” said Tuchel, describing the meeting on Tuesday: “I see it professionally and soberly. In the end it doesn’t matter what I want. I don’t think I’m the only problem.” But he has a responsibility and of course he takes it on.

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“We are not happy with the way we are playing and with the points we have scored,” said Tuchel when asked about the reasons for his exit. According to the analysis, there is no clear picture: “If there was a clear culprit, i.e. just the coach, someone else would be sitting here today.” Whether the decision was right or wrong and how you evaluate it doesn’t matter: “There is Clarity. And clarity brings freedom.”

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He never had the feeling that he couldn’t reach the team or that there was a problem with the team: “We have a stark discrepancy between training and games, and in the end the coach is responsible. I’m disappointed in myself and how we’re playing at the moment. I’m not disappointed with players. We have high standards and they will not change. We have good players and we try to get the most out of them.”

When asked about the differences of opinion with leading player Joshua Kimmich, Tuchel evaded the question. He said: “Joshua is an extremely important player, a leader. I think he hasn’t been able to reach his top form in the last few games. We fight for common goals, that won’t change.”


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