Fasano-Gelbison: and why don’t you come to the stadium?

Fasano-Gelbison: and why don’t you come to the stadium?

When I am about to enter a stadium, I instinctively look at the empty seats and ask myself the question: “Why don’t people come to the stadium?”

That’s what I’ll ask myself today too Vito Curlo of Fasano, the place where Us Città di Fasano and Gelbison Cilento will meet.

I clearly won’t be able to give myself the answers in such a short time, both because we would enter into vortices of endless discussions and motivations, and because when I see the “Vallo Della Lucania” banner placed in the guest sector of Fasano, I will worry about getting excited for a simple reason : there is someone who (still) carries the name of their city, their community around and loves their colours!

Nothing can be taken for granted now in this difficult moment for everyone, in this period in which speaking has become difficult, exposing oneself has become risky, and being there has an increasingly important value.

Ultras or no Ultras, if you’re still there, you’ve already given a signal.

On the other hand, the community of Fasano has been carrying forward this idea for some time, never missing the team colors in every city and in every stadium. And not even today will she refrain from doing it at his house.

The stands have the faces of those who have loved this team for a long time. Some kids are growing up with these colors, someone else has white hair and remembers the exploits of every player who has walked this field; Nannino Lomartire, from Fasano and former Fasano footballer, died this week, and for Nannino, son of the clay fields, the Curva decides to display the first banner. “No to modern football” is the cry of the home Ultras.

Beautiful stories in Fasano today: a young Albanian boy born in 2007 and raised in Fasano will make his debut in Serie D from Primi Calci; The Loosen up then, they will bring out a banner remembering Tonio Leone, a charismatic figure from the Fasano community, who loved welcoming people in difficulty from every corner of the world.

It’s fascinating when the stadium “speaks” and archives stories to pass on over time. Today it also talks about integration and community, and I’m happy because I have two new little beautiful stories to carry in my baggage.

In the meantime the match flows towards the end and Gelbison’s momentary advantage is followed by Fasano’s 1-1. When victory seems achievable for the home team, the stadium lights up to push the team, but it ends up in balance.

It was a beautiful day, I saw beautiful things and I can go home happy, my countdown starts again towards next Sunday and I already want to enter the next stage.

“And you, why don’t you come to the stadium?”


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2024-02-26 18:52:20
#FasanoGelbison #dont #stadium


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