Fabien Galthié: “Words can hurt, like punches”

Fabien Galthié: “Words can hurt, like punches”

“I try to do the best I can”

Fabien Galthié: “I am very open to feedback. We are in the light, we are exposed. Everyone is responsible for their thoughts and words. They are very important. They can hurt, like punches. In my way of expressing myself, I try to do the best possible, to provide a vision, an objectivity. I’m careful who I talk to. The defeat against Ireland was a painful moment for us and our supporters. We had to refocus on ourselves, on men, the hearts of men. How to react afterwards? How to take the plane and represent the blue jersey? For five years, we have proven that this team has virtues. This is why I thank those who support us, such as the rugby schools who trained our players.

Coming back to Scotland, this match was very complex. We had to remobilize our team. We were behind in the 69th minute, we had lost our captain (Alldritt, to injury). Then young players came into play. We resume the score. There was a sense that resilience was underway. That there was a desire to transcend oneself. When Bielle-Biarrey scores, we feel a crazy energy in this team. We are far from tactics and data, but we are at the heart of the people and values ​​of rugby. We say that this is our greatest victory because we have just felt a very strong emotion. What’s a shame is that no one highlighted our finishers… We did. »

“The French team is not the Star Academy or Koh Lanta”

Laurent Sempéré (coach of the conquest): “Posolo (Tuilagi, started for the first time in Blue) is one of the players who brought energy to Scotland. His performances during training and his starters earned him a starting place. We must also mention Romain Taofifenua who is returning from injury. He finishes matches very well, he is very important. It’s logic. »

Fabien Galthié: “A word for Paul (Gabrillagues) too who was fantastic. He brings all his energy and determination, even if he had a difficult time (coming off the scoresheet). When we create a team, we ask ourselves a lot of questions. What is important is also the value of men. We hear that we need to change the players. The French team is not the Star Academy or Koh Lanta. Some players are less efficient, they have the right. They are human beings. Resilience is achieved collectively. We are still in this work. Nothing says change works. We are convinced that it will not work like that by changing everything. We strongly believe in ourselves. We will win again. We will get back to our best level. »

“He can do everything”

Laurent Sempéré: “He is one of the most efficient forwards in the first two matches, he is capable of doing everything on the pitch, including obscure tasks. He has this ease of playing with all his friends on the third line. Having him on and off the field is important. He is capable of playing 8. He is a very intelligent player who knows how to make the link between forwards and three-quarters.

Fabien Galthié: “François will be less in line with the power aspect, but he is a regulator. He knows how to do everything. »

“They want to bring out their best rugby”

Fabien Galthié: “When you enter the Tournament, it’s like a 400m, you start by sprinting and you have to accelerate at each turn. We know Italy well. They are Latins, coached by Gonzalo Quesada. If there are quite a few players playing in France to face us on the match sheet, it’s not a coincidence. They want to bring out their best rugby. But so do we. There is no one more demanding than us. We are very specific in our analysis, but that remains between us. For us, winning in Scotland was an achievement. If it is not understood by part of the population, we understand it. But our ambition is intact in relation to the game of rugby. We want to play better, but we also want to defend better. Playing better also means without the ball. For example, be more disciplined. In Scotland there were a lot of situations where we played well without the ball. And it’s superb too. We want to do more. But we are in a period of resilience. We must first be strong on the basics: solidarity, commitment, courage. And the hearts of men…”


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