Exciting French Badminton Championships Semi-Finals and Transcending Performances

Exciting French Badminton Championships Semi-Finals and Transcending Performances

When shortly before 4 p.m., Elsa Jacob emerged victorious in her quarter-final of the ladies’ doubles in the company of Camille Pognante (for the only surprise of the quarter-finals), she made it possible to validate promising French championships for the BC Fos licensees already certain to win five medals in the four tables of the competition. All that remained now was to know the metal… “Jump” by Van Halen could crackle in the sound system of the Halle Henri Giuitta, this promised very high level semi-finals. And they were like ordinary men.

There was battle, intensity, suspense, emotions this Saturday. A whole range of sensations with two big winners, the brothers Toma Junior and Christo who were once again invited to the final of the men’s singles after two fights against Arnaud Merkle, in a duel of hitters with “Tomi” (21- 13, 21-18) and against Alex Lanier who gave in after six steals of the match for Christo in an unbreathable final (21-18, 28-26). “Tomorrow (Sunday), we have a 100% Popov final as we hopedsavore Christo Popov. We can’t do better than that for the city. What pleases me the most is that the public sees that bad sport is a beautiful sport. We put on a great show with the Fosséens. We hope to grab all the medals possible.“If there will be an empty chair policy in the final on the coach side, Toma, their father and coach not being able to choose his side, this will be the expected explanation for the brothers with a title to go for. They are at one victory each.

A Labar – Popov final in men’s doubles

It will be this Sunday. And the Brothers will not be the only ones at the top of the bill. There will also be Ronan Labar from Aix who joined the Provencal feast with an expected men’s doubles final against the Popov brothers who extricated themselves from a devilishly complicated situation against Adam/Rossi (18-21, 21- 13, 21-14) in the semi-final. “We are happy. We maintain our chances of winning the men’s doubles. It comes down to details. They played really well, they surprised us. In the third, they varied the shots well with slices but we knew how to find solutions in important points“, confided Ravi Toma Junior Popov.

Two finals for Elsa Jacob

There will also be an astonishing duo of juniors who took advantage of the withdrawal of the N.1 and undisputed pair in France Tom Gicquel and Delphine Delrue to reach the final and shake up the established hierarchy. Elsa Jacob and Tom Lalot-Trescarte could savor all the work carried out at the Strasbourg center. “We knew it was going to be a tough match, it has always been complicated matches against them. We played the right way, seizing the opportunity“, slips Tom Lalot-Trescarte. A performance that can count in the young career. “We are going to give everything tomorrow mentally and physically!

And as the conclusion of a superb recital, Elsa Jacob was also invited to the ladies’ doubles final in the role of the perfect outsider with her partner Camille Pognante, a player she has always known in the youth and pole categories. in Strasbourg. They will have to create a surprise as was the case throughout the day. “Now to bed“, could whisper Christo Popov. A night which should be recuperative after this long day…

2024-02-03 21:17:05
#Sports #Badminton #French #championships #finals #Fos #including #Popov


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