Excitement Builds as Füssen Royal Bavarians Prepare for New Baseball Season

Excitement Builds as Füssen Royal Bavarians Prepare for New Baseball Season
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    Are already excited for the new season: The Füssen Royal Bavarians. © Martin Bühler

    Preparations for the new baseball season are in full swing at the Royal Bavarians. The team has strengthened and wants to be at the top.

    Füssen – By the time March is around the corner, the passionate baseball player’s fingertips are already tickling. This also applies to the board and head coach of the Füssen Royal Bavarians Mitch Stephan. But he and his players have to be patient a little longer, because the season doesn’t start until mid-April. The baseball players are currently preparing for the season three times a week in the local gyms.

    The season for the Füssen Royal Bavarians officially begins on April 13th at the München Caribes. A total of 16 double game days (double header: two games on one day) are scheduled, which consist of a return game within your own group and a simple interleague round.

    The association split the large southeast group into two smaller groups of six this year. In the supposedly stronger South-East Group 1, the Royals meet the Baldham Boars, Gauting Indians, Garching Atomics, München Caribes and München-Haar Disciples 2. The first two teams in each of the two South-East and South-West groups will play from mid-August The championship will be decided in knockout mode in the quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals. “I personally find the mode very exciting. There are more games in the regular season than last year and the playoffs promise to be exciting,” says Mitch Stephan, describing his assessment.

    The Füssen team’s goal for the coming season is clear: “First of all, of course, we want to get back into the playoffs and then we want to get past the quarter-finals!” explains Stephan, who was eliminated in the quarter-finals last year visibly painful.

    Prominent verstärkt

    The Royal Bavarians’ high targets do not come from anywhere, as the Royals have strengthened themselves prominently in important key positions in the off-season. With David Wallace, a young player from the Munich-Haar Disciples first division team is moving to Füssen and will strengthen the team at the catcher position.

    Mendelsohn zurück

    The big construction site last year, however, was the pitching in the first game. After the departure of Mendelsohn and Meyer, there was no permanent starting pitcher in the first game other than Malconian in 2023, so Zacek, Starek, Stephan and Metschke pieced together the innings for the most part successfully. Next season, Daniel Mendelsohn will return to the pitcher’s mound at King’s Field. “Daniel is a bench that we were missing last year and will give us an extreme boost in the first game,†says Stephan happily.

    Also interesting

    And the Füssen team was also able to adequately replace last season’s guarantee of victory, Matt Malconian. The American Cameron Guarino will join the Royals at the beginning of March. The left-hander will start the second game of the day on the mound.

    Strong preparation in March and April should prepare the team for the upcoming season. It starts with a training camp in Reggio Emilia in Italy from March 15th to 19th. “The training camp in Reggio has now firmly established itself in our planning and is very important in bringing the team together over several days before the season,†says Stephan.

    On Easter Monday, the Füssen Royal Bavarians will travel to the reigning German champions in Heidenheim, where they will play in a double header against the extended first division squad of the Heideköpf. On the last weekend before the start of the season, the V-Cup is on the program in Dornbirn, Vorarlberg. The Royal Bavarians will play there for two days against teams from Austria and Germany.

    The Füssen Royal Bavarians’ first Bundesliga home game will take place on April 28th at King’s Field. The complete schedule can be found on the website: www.royalbavarians.de

    2024-02-24 10:47:20
    #Füssen #Royal #Bavarians #Preparation #season #full #swing


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