Erling Haaland Talks About Life in Manchester and His Future at Manchester City

Almost two months after his last game with the skyblues, Erling Haaland took to the pitch again. Against Burnley, and replacing another winter ‘inclusion’ like Kevin de Bruyne, the Norwegian played the last 19 minutes of the match. That is why, taking advantage of his return to the playing fields, the cyborg spoke on the official Manchester City podcast, where he referred to the lifestyle in Manchester and his connection with the club: “I like the vibes, the positivity of the fans when I meet them, the jokes, the English in general… I love joking like them. We are similar in Norway, we like jokes.”

The Norwegian, who has only been in Manchester for a season and a half and has a contract until 2027, also spoke about his first season at the club: “It took me months to digest last season because it was very long and with many games. We went back to preseason and thought, ‘Are we back yet?’ Now we are concentrating more and we are improving.”

As they say, Erling Haaland has only just begun his citizen journey, and from his statements it seems that he is still far from leaving the Etihad Stadium. “There are still many things to improve. When you play so many games, it is difficult to train because you have to prepare and do the things that get you fit for the next game. I want to improve even more with the team, be more solid with the team and perform in the most important games. And I want to recreate the things we did last season…”, added the Norwegian on the club’s official podcast.

Erling Haaland believes that the footballer is respected in England, something that contrasts with what could happen in Spain and which has been talked about a lot due to his possible future signing for Real Madrid. “People see us on the street, even Manchester United fans, and we joke with each other. People leave me alone, to a certain extent. I am a soccer fan. It is easy for my family to come from Norway, just across the sea, we are very close….”, he analyzed.

The Manchester ‘9’ admits that he enjoyed it “from the first day” thanks to the “good vibes in the locker room.” For Erling Haaland, Manchester City is “a place I want to come to and an environment I wanted to be in. I think that was seen on the field.” While the Mancunian team won a historic treble in Erling Haaland’s first season at the club, the cyborg finished as the European Golden Boot after finishing 2022-2023 as top scorer in the Premier League (36) and Champions League (12 ).

2024-02-05 13:57:28
#Haalands #clue #future #Manchester #close #Norway


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