Embracing the Summer Sports Trend: Beach Tennis and Safety Measures

Embracing the Summer Sports Trend: Beach Tennis and Safety Measures

There is still summer and thousands of Chileans are on vacation enjoying different corners of our country or the world. A time that also calls for doing sports.

There are some sports disciplines that are practiced more regularly than in other seasons of the year, such as beach volleyball, swimming, beach soccer and paddle tennis.

A new trend that has gained strength in this 2024 summer season in Chile is beach tennis. This discipline, It is a combination of tennis, volleyball and badmintonis played in sand and has gained great popularity in recent years in Brazil.

In our country you can find courts on different beaches in the territory and one of the advantages it has is that expensive items are not required to play it.

Here is the final of the 2022 Beach Tennis Mixed World Cup:

The large number of beaches that our country has has encouraged Chileans to practice these sports and also the warm climate that characterizes summer. However, All outdoor sports during these times cause us to be more exposed to the sun and high temperatures, so it is necessary to take care of ourselves and take preventive measures.

“It is recommended to practice those sports in designated places, such as supervised beaches, public or private swimming pools with lifeguards, on fields in sports clubs and parks. It is important to choose sites that offer the conditions adequate safety and maintenance”commented José Luis Rencoret, coach and CEO of USPLAT.

Furthermore, since government recommend that when exposed to the sun, you must stay well hydrated, use factor 50 sunscreen accompanied by the use of a hat, sunglasses and avoid direct and prolonged exposure to heat during 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. It also indicates the USPLAT trainer, which It is very important to warm up well before any physical activity to avoid injuries.

2024-02-21 14:57:25
#Summer #Motion #sports #practiced #season #precautions


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