Crazy jump of 165 m! And not on a mammoth. This had to end badly [WIDEO]

Last weekend, Polish ski jumpers competed on the mammoth in Oberstdorf. There, the best of our representatives was Kamil Stoch, who finished the competition in 12th and 11th place. The 36-year-old is slowly knocking into the top ten. At the same time, the Continental Cup competitions were held overseas.

Watch the video He teaches Polish jumpers to fly. Here’s how it works

David Jiroutek immortalized the “crazy jump”. 165 meters and not on a mammoth

In Iron Mountain, however, the organizers were unlucky with the conditions and had to cancel Sunday’s competition due to too strong winds. The decision may have been a bit surprising for some, especially since the facility was tested by early jumpers. One of them soared over 160 meters and the jury decided that the conditions were not safe for jumping.

A recording of the jump appeared on social media on the profile of the coach of the Polish B team, David Jiroutek. The ordeal looked terrifying. After leaving the threshold, the ski jumper got a strong gust under his skis, started waving his arms, and then flew to over 165 meters. He had no chance to stop this jump.

During the competitor’s test, the wind was to exceed 10 m/s against the skis. It is impossible to jump safely in such conditions. Especially in the case of young and inexperienced players. This jump is only a confirmation of this. The jury could not have acted differently and canceled Sunday’s competition.

The weekend in the United States was not successful for the Polish team. Our jumpers first lost their skis and had to jump on borrowed equipment. The best result in Saturday’s competition was Andrzej Stękała’s twelfth place.

2024-02-26 21:58:00
#Crazy #jump #mammoth #badly #WIDEO


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