Conservative American Lawyers Challenge NFL’s Equity and Diversity Policy: The Rooney Rule Under Legal Scrutiny

A group of conservative American lawyers has challenged the NFL’s policy on equity and diversity.

America First Legal, founded by former Trump administration officials, filed a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on Tuesday. The rally alleges that the Rooney Rule represents racial bias that is illegal under federal law.

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The rule in question was put in place in 2003 and requires NFL teams to interview at least one minority candidate when posting coaching and management positions.

“However pure its intent, the fact is that the Rooney Rule cannot survive legal scrutiny,” Ian Prior, an attorney with America First Legal, said in the complaint that asks the EEOC to investigate about the league and its 32 teams.

The NFL sticks to its rule

“We look forward to responding to this complaint and demonstrating that our policies and programs are fully consistent with the law and fundamental notions of fairness,” the NFL responded in a statement.

In a press briefing held on the sidelines of Super Bowl LVIII on Monday, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said the Rooney Rule is still necessary, even as teams hire increasing numbers of minority coaches, and that this policy would remain in effect.

America First Legal also filed similar complaints with the EEOC targeting workplace diversity initiatives at major league baseball and more than two dozen companies, including Starbucks, McDonald’s and Kellogg.

The organization that enforces laws prohibiting discrimination in the workplace is not required to act on complaints.

The other pursuit

This is not the first time the Rooney Rule has been at the heart of a legal dispute.

In March last year, a federal judge ruled that coach Brian Flores could go to court with his racial discrimination lawsuit against the NFL and three of its teams.

The 42-year-old man was seeking a class action against the circuit, the Miami Dolphins, the Denver Broncos and the New York Giants for hiring practices he considers discriminatory.

Flores notably claimed to have been involved in a fake interview intended solely to comply with the Rooney rule. Two other former NFL coaches, Steve Wilks and Ray Horton, joined Flores in his legal efforts.

This case has still not been resolved.

2024-02-07 19:56:39
#NFL #Conservatives #challenge #Rooney #rule #investigation


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