Collaborative Solutions for Managing Tourist Influx: Meeting at the Port Authority of Trapani

Collaborative Solutions for Managing Tourist Influx: Meeting at the Port Authority of Trapani

Meeting today at the Port Authority of Trapani The mayor of Favignana Francesco Forgione met this morning with the commander of the Port Authority of Trapani Guglielmo Cassone. The meeting, which was also attended by the commander Dario Gerardi, the manager of the local maritime office of Favignana Antonino Pavia and the director of the Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area Salvatore Livreri Consul, served to take stock of some important problems and plan a series of interventions in view of the next summer season. “During the summer there is a multiplication of the influx of visitors and tourists in our islands which is unparalleled in any other port in the province of Trapani”, explains the mayor. “We asked to meet the leaders of the Harbor Office to address the main critical issues together in good time, from the management of tourist flows to boat tours on the islands, which must be regulated, from maritime traffic in the port area of ​​Favignana, problematic in high season, to checks along the coasts and at sea. The director Salvatore Livreri Consul was also present at the meeting, in order to optimize the cross-check activity carried out by the Port Authority and Marine Protected Area with the intervention of the marine brigade. We found – concludes the mayor – great availability both on the part of the commander of the Harbor Office and of the other representatives and decided, by mutual agreement, to schedule further meetings in order to better regulate both the management of the sea and the port areas”.

2024-02-20 20:08:21
#Coast #Guard #Municipality #Favignana #regulate #management #sea #ports #Egadi #summer #season


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