Celebrating 10 Years of Badminton in Boussac with VILAJ

Celebrating 10 Years of Badminton in Boussac with VILAJ

Boussac. 10 years already!. The badminton section has existed for ten years within the VILAJ association (Local life and youth activities). Ten years which have seen players of all ages pass through. President Magali Proux and her office decided to bring together and celebrate this anniversary with as many Badistas as possible.

The meeting began at 1:30 p.m. at the Boussac gymnasium with a “VILAJoise” round, with a draw for the teams, a small UNSS format relay tournament, because for some it was necessary to touch up the racket ! It was in good humor that these matches made it possible to reach 6 p.m. and the opening of the Boussac-Bourg sociocultural room. Indeed at 6:30 p.m., old and new badists were able to see an exhibition of photos retracing these past 10 years with the Club mascot “Piou-Piou” which is now present everywhere: clothes, flyers…

Rémy Beauchet, technical manager, opened the speeches showing his pleasure to see everyone who had come. He recalled that the club started from nothing and now has around fifty members.

Guy Darlet, president of VILAJ, unable to be present, Sylvie Chagnon vice-president, read his speech. The badminton section is an important part of VILAJ because it allows you to reach teenagers. The club is performing well thanks also to its volunteers and the investment of Rémy. Then Magali Proux, the current president, recalled her contacts with Badminton Creuse and the beginning of her affiliation with the department as well as her attachment to VILAJ.

Since 2013, we have been able to see the evolution of the gymnasium, from the equipment to the standards, the organization of tournaments including that of Quasimodo: the Boussaquin club has grown and if the covid has put a little brake, here it is the bad section is off to a good start.

In addition, now, young high school students can come and train on Sunday mornings at the gym.

2024-02-27 04:00:00
#badminton #section #celebrates #tenth #anniversary


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