Carlos Vémola: A Peek Inside his Exotic Home

“If you look over there from the kitchen, you’ll see the winter quarters for the lions. They had a wall there, through which they couldn’t see us, how many times they cried and I felt sorry for them, so I tore down that wall and replaced it with glass. They see us and don’t yell anymore, they like the contact,” he relishes Carlos Vémola on News.

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“And I look at them again, they calmed down amazingly. Construction changes also took place because of sharks. It used to be arranged so awkwardly that when I was in the kitchen I couldn’t see into the living room for sharks. So I broke down the wall. The woman wondered why I was doing this. I explained to her that I was tearing down the wall so I could see the sharks and at the same time check if she was cooking in the kitchen from the living room. And over there behind that door we had a beautiful study and library, but I don’t read or work much, so I put crocodiles in there,” admitted the Terminator and regarding the reaction Lely he added: “At first she was happy, she thought I was building an indoor pool for us, but the next day there were crocodiles swimming in it. She wasn’t that happy anymore.”

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