Carlos Alcaraz Fights for Entry into Quarter-Finals in Buenos Aires

Carlos Alcaraz was expected. He did not disappoint. But the Spaniard still had to fight for his entry into the running in Buenos Aires. Facing him, the Argentinian qualifier Camilo Ugo Carabelli sold his skin dearly, supported by a public won over to his cause. The world number 2 nevertheless held his place. Winner in two sets (6-2, 7-5) and 1h45 of play, he succeeded in his recovery for his first match since the Australian Open, while waiting to meet the Italian Andrea Vavassori in the quarter-final.

Not everything was perfect for the defending champion, back after his quarter-final elimination against Alexander Zverev in Melbourne. But, after a slightly timid start which allowed Ugo Carabelli to take the advantage in the first set (1-2), Alcaraz shifted gears, lining up five consecutive games to win the first set. The second seemed set to be a fairly consistent copy of the first. Trailing 0-2, he played five more games and seemed in a position to finish quickly (5-2).

It was without counting on the combativeness of the Argentinian. Ugo Carabelli saved a first match point at 5-3 in favor of Alcaraz, then a second at 5-4, and even led 0-40 at 5-5. In danger, the Spaniard responded perfectly. He won the next nine points to seal his victory (6-2, 7-5) and validate his ticket to the quarter-finals. Not as easy as the score might indicate, this success at least allowed the world number 2 to immediately get into the swing of things for his return to earth.

2024-02-16 07:02:00
#ATP #Buenos #Aires #Carlos #Alcaraz #successful #return #earth #Camilo #Ugo #Carabelli


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