Burkinabé Badminton Federation Empowers Internally Displaced Children through Air Badminton Training

Burkinabé Badminton Federation Empowers Internally Displaced Children through Air Badminton Training

The Burkinabé Badminton Federation, since January 2024, has been holding introductory training in “air badminton” for internally displaced children from Pazani. On Sunday February 25, 2024, these sessions reached their climax with gadget awards to crown the journey.

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Sport is said to be a factor of social cohesion. The Burkinabé Badminton Federation goes further by maintaining that it can allow these people who have experienced stressful or dangerous situations to recover. Going in this direction, she initiated training sessions in the Pazani displaced person site.

Started in January 2024, this training consisted of introducing the practices of air badminton to these young people who experienced difficult times and who left their localities by constraint, according to the president. ©resident of the federation, Boukaré Ouédraogo.

« The meaning of this activity lies in the psychosocial protection of child victims of the security crisis. You know that these children were then devastated by unparalleled violence. They are likely to have abnormal psychological situations. The federation saw that something had to be done for these children, which is why we organized this training.”explained the president.

It is therefore in view of this reason that the federation, since January, has brought together these children in the space to practice badminton (air badminton) to make them forget these moments. HAS” We started our activities since January and today we are here to conclude. You really saw that the children learned well. Training will continue. You know that children are the basis of development. Our goal is to deconstruct their experiences and build their behaviors so that they develop into a bright future,” added Boukaré Ouédraogo.

Boukaré Ouédraogo

It is an opportunity given to these vulnerable people to find a smile again which was welcomed with emotion by the representative of the site, Oumarou Sawadogo.

« Do you see how happy people are? We are really happy. They came to bring joy to us and our children. We can only say thank you to them. Really very sincerely we pray to God to bless you for this action”declared Oumarou Sawadogo.

The federation also provided food to these children

This activity is not the first of its kind in the federation. Last year, it was held in Kaya, in a similar site. The president also wanted to make it long-term. He even urged other federations to organize this type of activity for these children who must not be forgotten by society.

Abdul Gani BARRY

Burkina 24

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2024-02-26 01:39:14
#badminton #federation #brings #smiles #displaced #children #Pazani


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