Beyond adult content: OnlyFans lands in sports

Beyond adult content: OnlyFans lands in sports

The scene was, to say the least, striking. The current world champion of the WBA featherweight category, the boxer from Cadiz Jennifer Miranda (Cádiz, 1986), arrived at the weigh-in of the evening in which the belt last January wearing a t-shirt with all her sponsors on it. Seconds later, already in front of the spotlight and after weighing in, she took it off and appeared, already in the confrontation with her rival, with a black top in which only her biggest sponsor so far appeared: OnlyFans (OF). The other big name on the night’s lineup did something similar, Jonathan Maravilla Alonsowhen appearing in the Callao Cinemas dressed in his sponsor’s merchandising.

For many, still oblivious to the new directions the brand is taking, it was a scandal. For others, more aware of the image cleaning strategy they are carrying out, it was a declaration of intent. And although when it was created back in 2016 it emerged as a red social that served as a meeting point between creators of content and its followers, quickly, the premium content viewing system and the laxity of community standards made it the social network for adult content par excellence. Now, after a period of maturation and healing, it is beginning to distance itself from that image by betting on sports content and sponsorship of top-level athletes.

In recent years, the platform has closed contracts with more than 200 athletes, including other boxers such as Andy Ruiz o Mikaela Mayertennis players like the recent winner of the Australian Open Jannik Sinner or the media Nick Kyrgiosthe cyclist Lewis Buchanan or the rally co-driver Alba Sanchez. On their channels, far from finding adult content, athletes try to show the more human side of their preparation to their followers, their daily lives with training, diets and other exclusive quality content.

“I accepted without thinking twice”

“OF’s sponsorship has allowed me to live 100% dedicated to boxing, something that today in Spain is very difficult and without which you cannot reach your highest level,” explains the boxer. “Without his support I wouldn’t have gotten where I am. I couldn’t do 14 rounds of sparring and then dedicate myself to recovering, because I would have to work to pay for my preparations,” says the former employee of the Spanish Olympic Committee. “Doubts? None. I accepted without thinking twice because unfortunately there is so little support in this country for boxing that you cannot hesitate when these great opportunities are presented to you.” Miranda explains and states that she feels “grateful” for the brand to notice her. “They are sponsoring the best in this sport around the world,” he says.

“I am a pioneer in Spain,” acknowledges the boxer who assures that “all the doors open to you when you are Rafa Nadal, but not so many when you start.” In his case, they began to open up when last year he participated in an American “team boxing” television program. ‘Team Combat’. “After fighting with Dallas, we came into contact with OnlyFans,” explains ‘Tormenta Miranda’, as the Cádiz native is known in the sports field. The boxer affirms that far from having received criticism, what she has perceived is great interest from other athletes in approaching the brand.

Miranda offers her followers exclusive content of his training, physical preparations and even those moments before the fights that until now no one could see and he assures that the application has given him a huge range of opportunities to connect with his fans. “I am preparing a small documentary of my preparation for the world title fight and I will post it on OnlyFans TV, which is a kind of brand content channel for all those who support me,” he explains.

United States, the mecca of boxing

Jennifer is easy on the screen and that also attracts big sponsorships. “TV is great and no one hits you,” she jokes. The Cádiz native easily defended a small role in 2021 in the fifth and final season of ‘The Money Heist’ and although he claims that it was one of the best experiences of his life, he prefers to focus on boxing for a while longer. “I’m really in the best moment of my sporting career and I want to finish it on a high note,” he says.

For contact sports there is still a lot to achieve in Europe. “In Spain they still make few evenings. They are very expensive and end up being made with the support of sponsors,” explains the boxer. In the case of the event in which the world championship was held, at the Callao Cinemas in Madrid, the sponsorship of the social network was key for it to take place. “For it to be like in the United States, there is still a long way to go. We, for example, in The Boxer Club, We have focused on the base, in our clubs, there are more and more children who are getting a lot of experience in small evenings or interclubs and the love for this sport is beginning to spread a little,” he says.

2024-02-08 14:54:00
#adult #content #OnlyFans #lands #sports


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