Awards and Distinctions for Sports Merit in Castilla-La Mancha 2023 Announced

The Official Gazette of Castilla-La Mancha has published the resolution of the General Directorate of Youth and Sports by which the ‘Awards and Distinctions for Sports Merit in Castilla-La Mancha 2023’ are announced. These awards will distinguish all people and public and private entities that have stood out for their work in the field of physical activity and sport, in any of its facets, during the past year, as indicated by the Community Board in press release.

This was indicated by the general director of Youth and Sports, Carlos Yuste, before a visit he made to the ‘High Sports Performance Assessment and Diagnosis Unit of the University of Castilla-La Mancha’, in which He has been accompanied by the Vice Dean of Academic Organization of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Enrique Hernando.

In his statements, the general director pointed out that, as in the previous edition, three gold medals, five silver and ten bronze medals will be awarded for sporting merit, aimed at individuals who have provided services to Castilian-Manchego sport in any of its modalities and have stood out notably in their practice, organization, promotion and development.

Seven plaques for sporting merit will also be awarded to distinguish the Castilla-La Mancha Base Sports Club and Elite Sports Club for their promotion of sport and its values; to sports entities for their promotion of inclusive sports, women’s sports and their sports innovation projects; to an educational center for its promotion of physical activity through Healthy School Projects; to a media outlet for its promotion of sports and physical activity; to a company for its support of sports in Castilla-La Mancha; to a sports federation from Castilla-La Mancha for its sports innovation projects; already a sports school for its track record in promoting physical activity and sports.

Likewise, five diplomas for sporting merit will be awarded, each in female and male categories, to the best athletes of school age, university age, veteran, coach and referee, and special mentions for extraordinary sports results. relevance obtained in the year prior to the call, or in recognition of their sporting career or promotion of Castilian-Manchego sport.

New this year, the special honorable mention ‘European Sports Region 2024’ will be awarded by the regional government to those people or entities that, with their enthusiasm and work, have collaborated in promoting sport in a way highlighted.

In addition to the General Directorate of Youth and Sports, public and private entities, organizations and institutions with ties to Castilla-La Mancha, as well as natural or legal persons residing in the region, may submit nomination proposals.

The deadline for submitting applications is ten days from the day following the publication of this resolution in the Official Gazette of Castilla-La Mancha.

2024-02-17 15:28:22
#Awards #Distinctions #Sports #Merit #CastillaLa #Mancha #announced


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