Athletics World Championships 2027, Italy tries (in its own way): there is no signature on the public 85 million two days before the deadline for applications

Athletics World Championships 2027, Italy tries (in its own way): there is no signature on the public 85 million two days before the deadline for applications

After the disaster Milan-Cortina Winter Olympicsthe farce of the Mediterranean Gamesthe hole of Ryder Cup and on the horizon the European football championships which already promise to be a failure, Italy is ready to relaunch with the next candidacy: the World Athletics Championships 2027. Another great sporting event to organize in our country, if it weren’t for one very small detail: they are needed 85 million euros of public contributions, not to mention infrastructure investments. And with just over 48 hours to go before the deadline, the government still hasn’t signed the guarantee letter. Lunedì in Capitolin front of the usual plethora of institutions, meanwhile the European Athletics Championships 2024which will take place in Rome from 7 to 12 June: 1,600 athletes47 nations, at the modest sum of 24 million euros for the organization, 10 private, 14 public. But since athletics is not football, and the elite of this discipline is played on a global level while the continental one remains rather peripheral, these European Championships remain a demonstration minorif anything, a starter for the Federation’s true objective: hosting the world championships in three years, in 2027.

Here we talk about 10 days of racingalmost 200 countries and 50 disciplines, with the biggest stars on the planet, in which lately we also see some blue, demonstrating the golden period that the movement is experiencing. In short, a very different thing compared to the European Championships. In fact, even the costs are very different: we are talking about a total budget of 120-130 million, just for logistical-organizational costs. Apart from investments for infrastructurewhich however in this case would be limited: the races would all take place at Olympic stadium It is in the Foro Italico Parkwhich have already been renewed (but something more will necessarily be needed), with the departure of the Marathon at the Imperial Forums and the route to touch the iconic places of the Capital. However, the State should put in at least 86 million: that’s exactly how much the request amounts to Fidal has advanced to the executive, in exchange for around fifty million obtainable from the ticketing and other commercial revenues. In short, a public-private relationship that is 70% unbalanced on the shoulders of the treasury. Too much, for someone in the government not to turn up their nose.

This may also be why the Italian candidacy remains in the balance, when in reality we would be at the final sprint. The institutional visits have already all been carried out. The host country will be announced on Wednesday 28th. But on the Italian dossier prepared by Deloitte the government’s signature is still missing. The Minister of Sports, Andrea Abodi, has given his support in words but not yet in deeds. That of the Economy, Giancarlo Giorgettiin recent days he has written a preliminary letter in which he says he intends to proceed, but it is not valid as one warranty; in lean times, the government has now become allergic to the continuous requests of financing. In the usual rebound between departmentsit was also thought to propose again more calmly for the subsequent editions, in 2029 or 2031, which however already seem promised to India and continent americano. The window is this: six months have passed since the launch of the project and Italy has incredibly managed to reach the finish line with a mid-application .

On the other hand there is the formidable competition of Beijing and the situation is the same as always. The organizers would gladly come to Italy, because it is closer, more beautiful and more diplomatically presentable (and then you want to put 10 days of vacation in the city of Sweet life). From a logistical and economic point of view there is no history: China has a budget of over 160 million and offers extensive guarantees organizational, while Italy is now a joke, with all the disastrous precedents. The same European Championships 2024, which Angels presented as the best viaticum to obtain the World Cupin reality amidst the messes, delays and misunderstandings about the Foundation they were not a problem at all example virtuoso. The government has until Thursday to decide whether to support or let it die candidacy Italian. Assuming and not granted that it is confirmed and that in the end it turns out to be a winner, then we will have to open the wallet e shell out at least (you never know how it will end in these cases) 85 million. Hoping it’s worth it.

Twitter: @lVendemiale

2024-02-20 18:04:42
#Athletics #World #Championships #Italy #signature #public #million #days #deadline #applications


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