ASTURIAN DERBI SPORTING OVIEDO | The international referees get wet: “clear” penalty for Moyano and “interpretable” for Paulino

ASTURIAN DERBI SPORTING OVIEDO |  The international referees get wet: “clear” penalty for Moyano and “interpretable” for Paulino

The Asturian derby smiled again 5 years later at Sporting after a clash that had everything and was marked by the refereeing controversy. Oviedo claims two penalties, against Moyano and Paulino, which were not considered as such by the referee González Esteban and by Gálvez Rascón in the VAR. The discomfort in the blue expedition was evident, although Carrión chose to bite his tongue in the press room. For the Asturian César Muñiz and the Basque Iturralde González, former international referees, there is a “clear” penalty on Moyano and regarding Varane’s action against Paulino there are more nuances to analyze.

Cesar Muñiz analyzes the two controversial actions for LA NUEVA ESPAÑA.

The play between Pablo García and Moyano:

“It seems like a clear penalty to me. The action is true that it starts outside, but she grazes the leg and ‘finishes’ it inside. I think it is a clear error by VAR. It is an objective action, the referee does not need to go see it on the screen but rather has to listen to the VAR. If the action ends inside, it is like with grabs: you point out where it ends. The fault is not where it begins but where it ends. The point of contact is within.”

The action between Varane and Paulino:

“This play offers me more doubts, because it is a play of interpretation. It is true that there is contact but the intensity must be assessed. Now we talk about high, medium, low and residual intensities. As the referees now have instructions to whistle for serious and consistent things, González Esteban’s decision may be understandable. For me, it is not enough, he considers it to be low intensity. But it is interpretable, another referee will say the opposite, and it can be perfectly whistleable. The instructions this year are to leave the ‘penalties’ without signaling, because this way we make the striker stop exaggerating each action.”

For sourceboth are penalties.

The former international analyzed the two conflicting actions yesterday on the SER channel. Regarding Pablo García’s entry into Moyano, the Basque explained that he “seemed inside me, because of the image they put on television. The referee calls a foul and you just have to see if he is in or out. It is an objective action: you don’t have to go see it on the screen.”

Even more forceful was his judgment regarding the play in which the VAR asked the referee to view Paulino’s tackle again. “This penalty is much clearer. It is the typical action in which you want to clear the ball and you hit the player. It shows that not every time you go to the screen it beeps. It is a false mantra.”

2024-02-11 11:55:47
#ASTURIAN #DERBI #SPORTING #OVIEDO #international #referees #wet #clear #penalty #Moyano #interpretable #Paulino


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