AMLO nationalizes 13 electric power plants in SLP – El Sol de México

AMLO nationalizes 13 electric power plants in SLP – El Sol de México

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, led this Tuesday the event “Nationalization of 13 Electric Power Plants” at the Combined Cycle Power Plant, which until a few days ago was owned by the company of Basque origin Iberdrola, located in the municipality of Tamazunchale, SLP.

In addition, the total price of the transaction was six thousand 200 million pesos.

There, together with the governor of the entity, Ricardo Gallardo Cardona, and the executive president of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, the federal president unveiled the plaque commemorating the event.

In his speech, López Obrador considered the fact as very important and transcendent “through an agreement we are carrying out, in a concerted manner, the recovery of a private company, so that it becomes part of a public company, of the entire people of Mexico”.

“In 1960, a good president, Adolfo López Mateos, carried out the nationalization of the electrical industry and proceeded in the same way. The owners of the private companies that generated energy were then spoken to, both by the president and his secretary. of the Treasury, Antonio Ortiz Mena; “There was talk then of the economic miracle in Mexico.”

“Thanks to that fact we had a stabilizing development, he added, both the president and the Secretary of the Treasury spoke at that time with the owners of companies that generated electricity and offered to compare them with a substantive and social dimension argument when they told them They are going to generate electricity where people have the money to pay, but they are never going to electrify the most distant and poorest communities, ejidos and towns because it will not be a business for them.”

“On the contrary, the government does care that all towns are electrified, this government’s mission is the well-being and happiness of the people, it is not about making profit, much less profit, that is the difference between private and the public,” he explained.

“Because of that agreement, our country was electrified and it was a wise decision, it is the same thing that happened now and I will still have time, he assured, for the same thing to happen with the internet, which reaches the cities but not all the towns. “We have to look for the long-awaited signal, but we are also going to solve that, internet in all the towns of Mexico.”


President López Obrador explained that 13 plants were acquired, which will increase the energy production capacity of the CFE and the people’s government, “without thinking about profits but about the well-being of the people,” he reiterated.

“This government has dedicated itself to rescuing Pemex and the CFE, some time ago the CFE provided 100 percent of the electrical energy but a government arrived that changed things to produce only 39 percent of the energy.”

He regretted that his proposal to reform the Law had not prospered, “we wanted to reform it and we couldn’t, because two ministers of the Supreme Court, who are not elected by the people, but by influences and created interests, and regardless of the fact that we proposed it and that the Chamber of Deputies and Senators approved it; “They just stopped her.”

He also clarified that his government is in favor of the mixed economy, “I proposed an agreement a long time ago of 54 percent public interest and 46 private interest, which represents everything that Argentina consumes, but they did not want to, however due to the good offices of the Secretary of the Treasury and the director of Iberdrola, this sale is achieved, with which it will be 56 percent for the public sector and in seven months we will leave it with 65 percent.”

“That’s why I’m calm, there’s nothing that worries me because I’m going to hand the band over to a woman called… justice; “She thinks like you and she thinks like me,” she joked.

“We should not worry because the transformation will continue, he concluded, I leave with a clear conscience because to be happy is to be good with oneself, with one’s conscience, and with one’s neighbor.”

Also present in the presidium were: the Secretary of the Treasury, Rogelio Ramírez de la O; the Secretary of Energy, Miguel Ángel Maciel Torres; and the general director of the CFE, Manuel Bartlett Diaz; among other officials.


“On my own behalf, and on behalf of my countrymen, I want to thank the Iberdrola group for having invested in our state.”

This was expressed by the governor, Ricardo Gallardo Cardona, in his speech before the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, during his visit to the entity to lead the event of nationalization of 13 energy plants.

“This modern plant, added the state president, was distinguished by having the highest levels of quality, commitment to the environment, and the best occupational health and safety management practices. “I am sure that now, in the hands of whoever should always have been there, the energy generation in this Tamazunchale plant will continue to work with the highest standards with the labor of women and men from Potosí, who today enjoy the benefits that the state and federal governments provide them.”

He thanked the president for his visit to Tamazunchale, “as always we are very pleased to have him back in his home, San Luis Potosí, the people of Potosí feel very pleased to be part of this great important act of historical justice, which returns to Mexico its dignity as free and sovereign nation.”

Gallardo Cardona recognized the president’s efforts “to consolidate the fourth transformation of Mexico, and reintegrate the state’s leadership in the national economy; Only a strong state will be able to fulfill its highest constitutional responsibility, which is to organize and lead the progress of all Mexicans equally, without privileges and without leaving anyone behind.”

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Finally, the governor assured López Obrador that he will always have unconditional allies here to carry out the transformation of our country, “today, six years later, Mexico not only has the energy to consolidate this transformation, but also with the optimism and enthusiasm of a people willing to continue collaborating with the authorities of the different levels of government to continue building a fairer country, for that and more you can count on the people of Potosí,” he concluded.

2024-02-28 03:17:46
#AMLO #nationalizes #electric #power #plants #SLP #Sol #México


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