Aída Román Arroyo Aims for Olympic Return in Paris 2024

Aída Román Arroyo Aims for Olympic Return in Paris 2024

The historic Mexican archer and Olympic medalist in London 2012, Aída Román Arroyo, said she was prepared to confirm her place in the national archery team heading to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, during the third stage of the internal control that is being carried out. at the National Center for the Development of Sports Talents and High Performance (CNAR).

In this National Selective there is the best of Mexico. Our representative is one of the strongest and is a world power, that is why we all want to go to the Olympic Games. I’m going to fight for my place in Paris 2024“, said.

And he also added: “It is a very important event where we are all excited to qualify, and we live to the fullest to fight for a place on the national team. The first filter has already been made (in January), and now it is our turn to pull. The next control is in March and we will define the six best in the country”.

The woman from Puebla is part of a select group of eight recurve specialist archers who will shoot their best arrows for four days, seeking to lead their branch and ensure their presence in the Selective Ownership Control, to be held from March 5 to 10, still with headquarters to be defined.

I am well, happy and very strong for 2024; I like that I have been working hard with my technique and new collaborators. We have been in this for many years, and basically since I started the Mexican level has risen; I was the first Olympic medalist (in London 2012), Mariana Avitia, Alejandra Valencia and Luis Álvarez have won bronzes; In addition, we have many world and Pan American medals”, he asserted.

Román Arroyo, who during 2023 shone alongside Alejandra Valencia and Ángela Ruiz to achieve an Olympic quota for the country at the Berlin World Championship, revealed that one of the great objectives for this year is to support men to achieve their place in teams, since to date only Matías Grande Kalionchiz secured a place for Mexico in the summer fair.

2024-02-15 19:30:11
#Aída #Román #motivated #national #selection #fight #place #Paris


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