2027 Worlds: the project for the future velodrome in Haute-Savoie at a standstill

Nothing is going well regarding the construction of a new velodrome in Haute-Savoie supposed to host the Track World Championships awarded by the UCI to France for September 2027.

Thursday evening and against all expectations, the municipal council of La Roche-sur-Foron, the town where the future “Haute-Savoie Arena” was to be built, decided against the creation of such an infrastructure, leaving us in a quandary. the Haute-Savoie departmental council came to present the architectural outlines of the cultural and sporting project a month ago.

A new site to find urgently

Unanimously, the municipal councilors of La Roche-sur-Foron rejected the sale of a plot of 23,000 square meters of land that the departmental council was to acquire, for a total cost of 93 million euros, and on which was to see the light of day a performance hall with 8,000 seats and a 250-meter track.

From now on, the departmental council of Haute-Savoie chaired by Martial Saddier, who says “to respect the choice of the municipal council”, will have to urgently find a new reception site for the construction of a velodrome in order not to put in jeopardizes the organization of the 2027 World Championships.


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