who had already entered the farmhouse

Nadia Palazzolo 22 January 2024

There are few doubts: the human remains found in Castelplanio – a municipality of around 3,400 souls in the Ancona area – should be that of Andreea Rabciuc, the 27-year-old who disappeared on 12 March 2022. The definitive answer, however, will only come with the autopsy which will be performed this afternoon, January 22nd. The outcome of the autopsy examination will also have a very high weight for the fate of the girl’s boyfriend, Simone Gresti. He was already under investigation for kidnapping and drug dealing, but now he has also been charged with voluntary homicide. Then there is a mystery within the mystery. And it is related to the place where the body was found. He had already been inspected by the police who, however, had not found any useful elements and there was no trace of the body. How is it possible? What does it mean? Let’s see all the key points of the story.

Four answers on the death of Andreea Rabciuc from the autopsy

On January 20, a body was found in a dilapidated farmhouse in the countryside of Castelplanio, in the Ancona area. The investigators are convinced that it was Andreea, who disappeared at dawn on March 12, 2022 after a dinner with her boyfriend Simone Gresti, with whom she had had an argument, and a couple of friends. They also have this idea for the objects found next to the remains: a shred of a white sweatshirt and a black boot.

The autopsy examination was ordered immediately. The task is entrusted to the forensic doctor Adriano Tagliabracci of the forensic medicine institute of the Torrette regional hospital in Ancona. The examination should give the prosecutor’s office four answers: the first on the identity of the victim (with the DNA test), the causes and date of death and whether, as it seems, those remains were brought into a cell at a later time. that environment. The suspicion is that the young woman was killed in a different place from where she was found. Someone from her would have taken her life and then, perhaps her own hand, would have moved her body.

(Video by AnconaToday)

The mystery of the broken window in the farmhouse with Andreea’s body

Why do you think Andreea’s body was moved? Because the farmhouse had already been checked by the police and nothing had emerged. One of the two brothers, co-owner of the property, had reported to the police that someone had forced and broken a window of the farmhouse: it was March 12, 2022, a few days after Andreea’s disappearance. The property had been checked but without success. “The remains were in a room that we never open because it is not accessible and at risk of collapse,” said one of the owners of the farmhouse.

As Francesco Benigni di explains AnconaToday, the farmhouse was searched again by the police both inside and outside. There is still the broken window and a few meters away there is also a well. The experts also took away the remains found inside the former kitchen used as a woodshed. The entire area had been scoured by police and rescuers for almost two years, yet the body was found less than a kilometer away from the point of disappearance. It therefore seems plausible that it was moved. From the same person who broke the window? If it happened like this, did only one person act?

And the position of Simone Gresti, Andreea Rabciuc’s boyfriend, is also worsening. He was under investigation by the Ancona Prosecutor’s Office for kidnapping and drug dealing, but now the charge of voluntary homicide has also been contested. The lawyer says that Gresti is “shocked. He hoped for a different outcome, he proclaims himself to be extraneous to the facts, as he has always done”.

Andreea’s mother: “More people involved”

“Now I just want justice for my little girl, whoever hurt her must pay. I’m sure that more people had something to do with it and that they took her there afterwards.” Georgeta Cruceanu, Andreea Rabciuc’s mother, speaks thus to Adriatic Courier. Even if the identification is not yet official, the woman has no doubts: “They found some clothes that were hers and a tooth with a bridge. She had it. The DNA analyzes will only be able to tell what I know, because never how now I felt empty. I feel that my little girl is gone.”

2024-01-23 10:04:50
#entered #farmhouse


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