when and how to recover after the flu |

???? Whether it was a simple #cold or a more intense #flu, the only desire we have in our hearts while we are knocked out is to get back to training as soon as possible. This temptation, however, sometimes makes us start again when we have not yet fully disposed of the #infection. Here are some guidelines that can help us understand whether the right time has come:

If your symptoms have been mild and you’ve been symptom-free for 24-48 hours, you can gradually start exercising again. Initial training should be easy, aerobic and of short duration. You are restarting the engine that has been sitting in a garage in the cold. If you feel that you are still not okay, don’t insist, go back to rest.

????????If you feel your physical form gradually improving and want to return to your program, start inserting stretches of no more than 20-30″, followed by a broad active recovery of at least 1’30”-2′. This way you will begin to recruit more and more muscle fibers but without excessively stressing the heart muscle. Gradually you can reduce, increase intensity, for example by reducing the recoveries and then the volume.

you may need to consider your progression: after a few first days of #restart, take a step back in programming for 2-3 weeks, before moving on to the next phase of your training program.

????Have patience and take care of yourself: a relapse is a fairly high risk during recovery. And before competing, depending on the intensity and duration of the symptoms you’ve had, consult your doctor.

????‍⚕️ Remember that each case is completely personal and these suggestions are not intended to replace medical advice. If you want to know more:

???? Schwellnuss M. et al. International Olympic Committee (IOC) consensus statement on acute respiratory illness in athletes part 1: acute respiratory infections. Volume 56, Issue 19, 2023. It is the International Olympic Committee consensus statement for returning to sport after a respiratory infection.


2024-01-04 09:24:00
#recover #flu


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