Visa Cash App RB Team Strengthens Ranks with Key Staff Additions

Italian team RB has announced that its ranks have been strengthened by Tim Goss, Alan Permane and Guillaume Cattelani.

The newly renamed Visa Cash App RB team announced the arrival of three significant staff additions on Monday afternoon.

The new head of the technical office was (CTO) Tim Goss, who had previously worked for the FIA.

“I am delighted to join the Visa Cash App RB team at the start of its new era. It is a team with a great heritage and some exceptional people working there. I look forward to working with Team Principal Laurent Mekies, as well as Technical Director Jody Egginton. We have an exciting challenge ahead of us, but I think the team is well prepared to tackle it,” said Goss.

Another very experienced person who joined the team from Faenza is Alan Permane. The respected British engineer, who previously worked for many years with the Alpine team, will take up the position of sporting director.

The third acquisition announced today is Guillaume Cattelani. The aerodynamics specialist moves to Team RB from Red Bull to take up the position of Deputy Technical Director.


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