Vallop Rally Badminton Shoes: A Cost-Effective and Quality Option for Beginners

If you want to buy shoes to start playing badminton in earnest, you can buy them from places like Yonex or Mizuno, but they are more expensive than you think. It wasn’t something I was going to compete in or play professionally, but I was looking for a decent brand with a decent design at a decent price, and what caught my eye was Vallop Rally.

First of all, it was delivered a day after ordering, and when I tried it on, it was good because it had decent traction and felt like it fit my foot perfectly (if you loosen the laces and put them on from the inside out instead of the outside in, you can put strong pressure on the tongue, which increases the fit). The heel cup was slightly high, so the cushioning was good when landing after a jump, and the center of gravity was naturally tilted slightly forward, so it was nice to bounce forward and react.

It is difficult to accurately compare the performance or fit since I have not worn expensive shoes from famous brands, but I think it is a product worth recommending as a cost-effective badminton shoe. Even if it’s not badminton, I think it can be used as a basketball shoe, and I think it’ll be fine to wear at the gym.

What if I ask you to buy it again next time? I said yes.

2024-01-05 07:34:51
#Product #Review #Vallop #Musinsa #Temple #Musinsa #Temple


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