Unjustified Increase: Motorway Toll Rates on the Rise Again

New year, new price increase. In fact, the adjustments to motorway tolls are always punctual, like clockwork, every beginning of the year. The new gift, which will weigh on businesses and families, provided for in the Milleproroghe Decree can be quantified at +2.3%. An increase that has particularly affected the A6, one of the most popular routes for Turin residents and which has always been an open-air construction site. Not to mention the perpetually unfinished Asti-Cuneo route which has seen an increase in tolls for only the part of the route that can be travelled.

“This year too – he comments Giovanni Rosso, President of Confartigianato Imprese Piemonte road transport– an increase in motorway toll rates is expected, a real theft to the detriment of families and businesses and to the advantage of motorway concessionaires. This is an unjustified increase, considering the amount of work and slowdowns due to road maintenance and the inconveniences we experience every day. I would like to remind you that our hauliers take double the time to reach their work destinations, having to pass through thousands of obstacles, modified roads, bridges at risk and impassable roads. We ask politics for greater respect for our category who every day, before planning the work process, must look at the weather forecast, avoid hydrogeological disasters, navigate modified routes, pay the increase in motorway tolls without improving the services offered” .

“We also ask politicians – he concludes Rosso – greater attention to our sector which has already experienced a generalized crisis and which understands, before asking to dig into the wallet, the serious critical issues of the road system in our Region especially towards France and Liguria and resolves the infrastructural deficiencies that have never really been addressed . In fact, at the beginning of this new year this is the traffic situation for Piedmont in case it is not clear: the Colle di Tenda tunnel still closed, the Turin-Savona motorway held hostage by endless construction sites, the reopening of the Tenda border crossing postponed to the summer of 2024 and with only one alternating one-way tunnel, the problems at Frejus, the future stop of the Mont Blanc tunnel. Instead of methodically increasing motorway tolls, politics needs to move away from contingency and the pursuit of emergencies to draw up an overall plan to equip the North West with modern infrastructures, without which we risk compromising the future of the road haulage and the whole economy».

2024-01-09 17:06:49
#year #highway #tolls #increase


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